Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Iran's Foreign Minister: 'Never Threaten An Iranian'

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif talks to media from bacon of the Palais Coburg Hotel, venue of the nuclear talks in Vienna, Austria on July 2, 2015. AFP PHOTO/SAMUEL KUBAN

Daily Star/AFP: 'Never threaten an Iranian': nuclear talks get feisty

VIENNA: A top-level meeting at the Iran nuclear talks this week was a stormy affair, Iranian media reported Wednesday, with the country's foreign minister warning: "Never threaten an Iranian."

The altercation happened Monday evening as foreign ministers from Iran and six major powers including US Secretary of State John Kerry met in Vienna seeking to nail down a historic nuclear accord.

They failed to overcome their remaining differences, and have given themselves until Friday to finalize the accord to end a 13-year standoff over Iran's nuclear ambitions.

WNU Editor: His boss loves to make threats .... Iran ‘Shouts Hatred’ for Israel, Backs Palestinian Terror (Washington Free Beacon).


James said...

Either all of this "conflict" behavior is for the benefit of us dumb masses or they've gone so far down the road to La La Land that they themselves are in a complete separation from reality.

It looks like the Administration needs the help of an Oberlin Social Justice Warrior to understand "no means no and yes means no, or is it no means yes and yes means yes" ah, these Patriarchal problems confuse me.
All I know is the US is going to end up pregnant because they're getting.................!

Publius said...

I agree with James: the United States (and the West) are almost certainly going to get ------. The Obama Administration is desperate to have a deal, any deal, on any terms. For the Administration, having a deal is more important than its content.

I added the qualifier "almost" because the Iranians/Persians have a national trait, going back to Xerxes, of overplaying their hand. As the U.S. weakens, the Iranians increase their demands, retracting concessions they previously made. The Maximum Ayatollah did some of this in his speech a couple of weeks ago.

In my view, this quality can backfire if pushed too far. I am not sure President Obama or Secretary Kerry have any red lines that would prompt them to end the negotiations without a deal, but others in the Government could kill a truly horrible deal. Defense Secretary Carter, or the outgoing JCS Chairman, among others, could make the deal impossible for Congress to approve. This is true even though the deal will be approved unless over 2/3 of both Chambers reject it.

In my view, the Iranians would be smarter to sign a deal the West can accept and then cheat anyway, regardless of its terms. Cheating on solemn treaties is another Iranian national characteristic.

Anonymous said...

and who u really are Publius, Sociologist in Middle East...