Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Pentagon Releases 2015 National Military Strategy For The U.S.

The Guardian: Russia and China pose largest security threats, says US military report

* ‘Low but growing’ chance of war with major power, report says
* Iran and North Korea also pose ‘serious security concerns’

America’s new military strategy singles out states like China and Russia as aggressive and threatening to US security interests, while warning of growing technological challenges and worsening global stability.

A somber report released Wednesday by General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warns of a “low but growing” probability of the US fighting a war with a major power, with “immense” consequences.

Russia has “repeatedly demonstrated that it does not respect the sovereignty of its neighbors and it is willing to use force to achieve its goals”, the 2015 National Military Strategy says.

WNU Editor: The Pentagon's 2015 National Military Strategy for the U.S. is here.

More News On The Pentagon Releasing Its 2015 National Military Strategy For The U.S.

Pentagon Releases New National Military Strategy -- Defense News
Dempsey Releases National Military Strategy -- US Department of Defense
Dempsey Discusses New Military Strategy, ISIL -- US Department of Defense
Chance of war with world power ‘low but growing,’ Defense Dept. says -- Washington Times
Pentagon’s new military strategy calls for preserving US dominion of the world -- RT
New Pentagon Strategy Eyes Russia, Long Fights Against Jihadists -- Foreign Policy
What does the US Military See as its Greatest Threat? -- The Diplomat
Dempsey on New Strategy: Global Disorder Trending Upward -- Seapower
Dempsey’s Final Instruction to the Pentagon: Prepare for a Long War -- Defense One

1 comment:

  1. I started to read the link you linked to when I came across the following complete nonsense in the Chairman's foreword. "We must be able to rapidly adapt to new threats while maintaining comparative advantage over existing ones." If the Chairman's foreword contains such ridiculous nonsense, then it would seem the rest of the report is not "worth the paper it is printed on" to use an old expression. Perhaps a modern rendition of this might read "this report is not worth the bandwidth it takes up." After all, if one cannot get the basics right, how can they be expected to get complicated things right?!!?

    First of all to maintain an advantage one must first acquire such an advantage. If by "traditional threats" it is meant Russia and China, the US currently does not have a "comparative advantage." The "comparative advantage" belongs to both Russia and China. If they both operate together, the "comparative advantage" is even more against America.

    While the need to rapidly adapt to threats is accurate if one cannot adequately assess the situation one faces, it seems problematic at best that one would actually be able to do this or much anything else. God help us all!! Oh wait America largely turned its back on God long ago!! Since this is so, may God have mercy!!

    I shall read this report in its entirety later time permitting. I will do so not because anything the Pentagon has put here is going to realistically help us with our national defense but because I wish to know what these ideologically blind individuals are committing us to.

    I'm pretty sure I'm not going to read anything about the need to decouple ourselves from NATO or Western Europe. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to read about the need to extricate ourselves from the Ukrainian situation by any and all means necessary. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to read about how we are still heavily dependent upon "made in China" and the need to maintain some semblance of non hostile relations with that country until we can address this issue.

    Essentially if one is unable to get the foreword right its hard to see how the rest of the report could be taken seriously as anything that might help America on any level be it security or economic. Since the foreword indicates the author fails to grasp reality, this is the case.

    If I were POTUS, I would allow the author of this report to retire at full benefits before he/she presented me with this complete and utterly stupid nonsense. His/her rank would be reduced to private or whatever the lowest rank for his/her branch of the military is. Furthermore he/she would agree to undergo counseling to try and cure him/her from decision making based upon ideological blindness!! Essentially allow people such as this who have likely given a great deal in their service to our great country to retire and move on with a degree of respect an dignity.
