Sunday, July 5, 2015

Russian President Putin's Independence Day Greeting Calls for US-Russia Dialogue

Reuters: Putin tells Obama he wants dialogue based on equality and respect

Russian President Vladimir Putin called for dialogue based on equal treatment and mutual respect with the United States on Saturday in a congratulatory message to President Barack Obama marking U.S. Independence Day.

Putin said U.S.-Russian relations remained important for solving global crises. The two countries have disagreements over the conflict in Ukraine, defense matters and democracy.

"In his message of congratulations, the Russian President noted that, despite the differences between the two countries, Russian-American relations remain the most important factor of international stability and security," the Kremlin said in a statement.

WNU Editor: This is the second time that Russian President Putin has contacted President Obama this week. Something is cooking.

More News On Russian President Putin Contacting President Obama While Calling for US-Russia Dialogue

Putin reportedly contacts Obama for second time in weeks about unity on global concerns -- FOX News
Vladimir Putin's Independence Day greeting calls for US-Russia dialogue -- The Guardian
Putin congratulates Obama on Independence Day -- CNN
Putin: US-Russian Relations Key for Solving Global Crises -- VOA
Putin sends July Fourth message to Obama -- USA Today
Putin calls Obama, wishes him happy 4th of July -- Washington Times


  1. id love to know your opinion on what it mite be that is cooking thank u

  2. Ukraine, NATO military buildup, and sanctions is the present problem for Putin .... and all 3 are related.

  3. Chechnya, Syria, oil prices, Sweden's possible membership in NATO....

  4. I would agree that something must be cooking. Russia is winning this and, as such, there is no reason for Mr. Putin to be making conciliatory gestures toward the United States. Perhaps he is allowing the United States an opportunity to save face here.

    As to what is cooking, here's what I'd like to see. 1.)The US agrees to Russia's position on Ukraine. 2.)The United States agrees to withdraw all support to former Soviet Bloc and Baltic State countries. These nations especially Poland have been extremely disrespectful to us of late. Being allied with these nations could put in a very bad position. 3.)If necessary, the US should be prepared to share with Russia anything it knows about the military strengths and weaknesses of Germany, France, and Italy that would make it easier for Russia to gain control over these nations should it chooses to do so. 4.)Some reports have stated that Vladimir Putin wishes to reestablish the USSR. If so, we should be prepared to state in word and deed that should he choose to do so there will be no interference from us. 5.)If this came to fruition, this combined with Russian control over Germany, France, and Italy would make Russia stronger than even the USSR was. (I do hope and pray that steps 3, 4. and 5 would be unnecessary.)

    Now this leads to what we would want from this. 1.)Russia agrees to withdraw all support from Iran. This would make the current existential threat to America posed by Iran easier to deal with. 2.)Russia agrees to withdraw all support for Cuba and will support American subjugation of Cuba should it be necessary. Hostile control of Cuba gives an enemy the ability harass a significant portion of American shipping should one choose to do so. 3.)The role of the US dollar as world reserve currency is ending. Any efforts to maintain this situation are futile. Russia would assist us in ensuring a "soft landing." 3.)The Russians would support our position on the "Monroe Doctrine." Already we are awash in enemies south of our borders who pose a much greater threat to us than NATO likely ever could to Russia.

    While a bit off topic, similar deals could be arranged with China that would involve the Panama Canal and Taiwan. Essentially China cedes control of this to us in exchange for assistance on their Taiwan problem. Hopefully it would not come to this. Perhaps with Russia's assistance on point 3 above much of this becomes unnecessary.

  5. Another more chilling possibility is the invasion of the United States is closer than I thought. As such, the conciliatory measures are a public relations ruse. In any event, for ANYTHING I mention in the above post to actually work toward facilitating good outcomes for America there needs to be some way to ensure Russian compliance with any deal. Right now I don't see that it exists.

    If the Russians were to see that attacking America would be to costly to be a reasonable choice and America agreed to Russia's positions on Ukraine and Eastern Europe, then the Russians might deem such an agreement in their interests.

  6. I apologize for the multiple posts here. While I did not mention sanctions per say, obviously the United States would need to be prepared to vigorously oppose sanctions with everything in its power to do so. While I would not expect the EU to go along with such a move, our opposition should lessen the effect of sanctions and, as it is, should this thing go as badly as it could it is not going to be EU nations but America who will bear the brunt of a Russian military reprisal. This would have the added benefit of significantly turning Russian wrath away from us.

  7. Philip,

    Chechnya=I'd suggest supporting Russian's position here. This might even be able to be linked in some way to the policies I mention above. In any event, such a position has no downside and has huge potential upside. Syria=see the Iranian policy above. Once Russia withdraws its support for Iran, Syria likely falls as well and perhaps Russia loses interest as they have something more important to them in return. Also, we might even be able to enlist Russia's assistance in fighting ISIS.

    Now as for Sweden joining NATO, I've read about this. On the day before I read this, I was thinking the US might do well to adopt some variation of what I referred to as the "Sweden model." Essentially Sweden survived and not only prospered in the middle of Europe during WWII by maintaining the following. 1.) A position of neutrality. 2.) Ensuring they were well defended enough that it would be to costly for either the Allies or the Axis powers to seriously think of attacking them.

    While it was clear the allies would never attack them, maybe there was some doubt as to whether the Axis powers might attack. As such, behind the scenes, at least in attitude, they supported the Allies. Furthermore it was pretty much clear the allies were going to win the war. It was not a matter of "if" but "when" and bow would the casualties be.

    As for our current situation, clearly it seems Russia is the more powerful force in this equation, The US and its allies are not going to attack Sweden, and while I'm not aware of any Russian plans to do so perhaps they are in the offing. As such, maybe Sweden understands that the more powerful force is planning to attack them and are looking for any hope no matter how small and are despirately clinging to it. After all to have remained neutral for so long they clearly must know how to effectively read "the tea leaves" for lack of a better analogy. Perhaps to them nominal prospects with NATO are better than zero prospects without NATO.

    Now as for the US, clearly admitting Sweden to the alliance is not worth the risk to us. Frankly, we should have announced long ago that if ANY new members are admitted we are withdrawing forthwith. We would have trouble honoring the commitments we already have. As such, it would seem insane to add new ones.

    My first thought in Sweden considering such a move was "bizarre." Sweden has been a VERY smart country for a VERY long time. Making moves such as joining NATO, considering it, or assisting the US or NATO would very likely p!ss off the world's most powerful military force. As such, considering such a move would seem insane. Perhaps Russia is planning to attack them and they wish to despirately cling to any hope no matter how small.

    Being smart must mean they know what's up. God help us all!!
