Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Today Is Canada Day

WNU Editor: For those who may not know .... I live in Canada and today is Canada Day .... our national holiday. I did the mistake last night of attending a fantastic party that involved eating, drinking, and talking till the early hours of the morning. So to say that I am suffering from a hangover this morning is an understatement .... so yes .... my head is really hurting right now .... and blogging will be light for the next few hours. Military And Intelligence News Briefs And World News Briefs will be posted at 17:00 EST and 18:00 EST later today. Sighhh .... I now need a cup of coffee.


  1. Happy Canada Day my friend!! I'm so glad you got to spend yesterday with friends at a fantastic party to start off your holiday. May God bless and keep Canada. I'm sure I will be doing something similar for our national holiday of 7/4 to what you did to start off Canada's national holiday.

  2. Happy Canada Day - and thank you for this awesome website! I share a lot of your stories & your WNU Editor Comments on FaceBook. Thanks again!

    P.S.: For your hangover, go to the vitamin isle at the grocery store and get some Emergen-C. Works great for hangovers, over-heating in the summer, etc.
