Thursday, July 2, 2015

U.S. Troops Feel Abandoned In Afghanistan

WND: U.S. troops in Afghanistan 'feel abandoned'

Intel officer: 'We're essentially waiting for politicians to pull the plug'

WASHINGTON – ISIS is beginning to extend its influence into Afghanistan, but the Obama administration no longer is giving the country priority, and the 10,000 American troops that remain are feeling abandoned, a U.S. intelligence officer has told Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin

The officer, who is stationed in Afghanistan and has requested anonymity for security reasons, paints a bleak picture in a war zone that is apparently all but forgotten after an investment of more than $1 trillion by the U.S.

There simply aren’t enough active-duty U.S. reservists or National Guard personnel in Afghanistan to complete the mission, he contends.

The United States has “zero strategy for the country,” the intelligence officer said.

“We’re essentially waiting for politicians to pull the plug.”

WNU Editor: Another conflict where the U.S. has no strategy on what to do.

Update: At least here is a more optimistic assessment on what is happening in Afghanistan .... What I Saw in Afghanistan (Barnett Rubin, New Yorker).

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