Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Women Play A Bigger Role In Running The Islamic State Than What Is Being Reported

Nancy A. Youssef and Shane Harris, Daily Beast: The Women Who Secretly Keep ISIS Running

A captured ISIS ‘bride’ has revealed the inner workings of a women’s network that’s responsible for recruiting, spying, and enforcing sexual slavery in the so-called caliphate.

The U.S. military campaign against self-proclaimed Islamic State may be focused on the male fighters conducting attacks across Iraq and Syria. But the richest human intelligence source to fall into U.S. hands to date is the widow of a senior ISIS member. She is revealing details about the terror group’s inner workings—including the existence of a parallel women’s network within ISIS that’s responsible for recruitment, retention, intelligence, and sexual slavery in the so-called caliphate.

U.S. military personnel captured Umm Sayyaf during a May raid targeting her husband, who was also ISIS’s chief financier who went by the nom de guerre Abu Sayyaf. After engaging in “hand to hand” combat with ISIS fighters, U.S. troops killed Abu Sayyaf and took his computers, cellphones, and documents that detailed how the group obtained and distributed as much as $2 million a day.

WNU Editor: I presume the rule of "behind every successful man there is a woman" holds true for even the Islamic State.

1 comment:

  1. "I presume the rule of "behind every successful man there is a woman" holds true for even the Islamic State."

    Which is why I take the feminists screeching about the [patriarchy with a grain of salt.

    One would think that the Nibelungenleid was about the heroics of men and specifically Siegfried. Seriously, in grade school and beyond I believed it. then I read a more scholarly rendition of the story with an introduction. the writer asserted it was a cat fight between two women. At the end of the story the women are still bitter enemies and the men are all dead.

    You look at how ancient Celtic, German and pre-Islamic Arab women would flaunt their breast and bottoms or explicitly stating and demonstrating that if the warriors do not win, then their wives and daughters will be raped and become chattel. This last when the men are wavering in battle and thinking of retreat.

    I have to think that there would be more diplomacy and less warfare in the ancient except for women. Ceasar did resettle the Helveti back in Switzerland after defeating them. If it was all about slavery and profit then why would Ceasar do this? Point is on more than one occasion the Romans told migrating tribes they could not enter but gave them a some assistance in resettling and did not follow up successful military action with more battles to defeat and subject the tribe.
