Monday, February 29, 2016

President Obama's Ukraine Policy Has Failed

President Obama meeting with Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko on Sept. 18, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Michale Crowley, Politico: Obama's Ukraine policy in shambles

Distracted by ISIL, frustrated by infighting in Kyiv, the administration makes little progress against Putin in Europe.

President Barack Obama’s effort to rescue Ukraine from Russia’s military grip has stalled, and turmoil inside Ukraine's government may hand Russian President Vladimir Putin a victory in a conflict that Obama has said involves "the most basic principles of our international system.”

Two years after the pro-western protests that toppled Kyiv’s government, enraged Putin, and caused an international crisis, Obama’s Ukraine policy is foundering — the victim of Putin’s steely determination, the distractions of Syria and ISIL, and wavering support from European allies eager to move past the conflict.

Despite personal pleas from Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. officials fear that Kyiv's leaders are near a political implosion that would derail efforts to stabilize the country and eject Russia from its eastern territories.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Cannot say that I am surprised that current U.S. policy on Ukraine has failed .... and failed miserably. When you hitch your wagon to a bunch of Ukrainian politicians who are corrupt, nationalistic, and unwilling to compromise with their opponents .... grid-lock and tensions becomes the result, and in a place like Ukraine .... disastrously so. And while it is easy to blame Russia for all the ills in Ukraine .... and to advocate a more forceful response against Moscow .... bottom line .... this would not change one iota for the average Ukrainian who is facing social and economic problems that are getting worse with each passing day. The big crisis in Ukraine (right now) is the economy and their debt. Kiev needs money, reforms, and an environment that favours the small-time entrepreneurs. But no one wants to give Ukraine money, reforms are in chaos, and corruption kills the small-time entrepreneur. And the U.S. role in all of this .... sighhh .... they are still focusing on Putin.


  1. Could you imagine being a "small time" foreign investor in the Ukraine? Especially someone of a darker complexion? Shake downs, run down infrastructure, constant ridiculous anti-Russian propaganda, buffoons/thugs/gangsters for "elected" officials at all levels, Nazi retards vandalizing your business, abusing you, your family, employees on and on etc.

    Over and over again I read that U.S. policy has "failed" here, there, everywhere. "Coincidentally" the "failures" all look the same. Ethnic conflict, war, corruption, ruined infrastructure transposed on a backdrop of neo-liberal economic policies. All legitimated by so-called governing "coalitions" of pro western stooges.

    And one of the biggest snouts at the trough (corpse) in Ukraine's case is Canada. Free trade agreement and all.

  2. "Obama’s Ukraine policy is foundering — the victim of Putin’s steely determination, the distractions of Syria and ISIL, and wavering support from European allies eager to move past the conflict."

    Let's call a spade a spade (as WNU editor described) and say Obama's policy failed because it was dead wrong. IOW the poor results are a victim of faulty thinking, not of Putin’s steely determination, wavering EU support etc etc. The US f'd up yet again, pure and simple.
