Friday, April 29, 2016

Conflicting Reports On A Russian - Polish Sub Collision

Delegation from the capital of Kuban took part in the launch of submarine “Krasnodar”

Maritime Executive: Poland and Russia Spar Over Alleged Sub Collision

Polish and Russian sources are engaged in a dispute over whether two submarines were involved in a collision in the Baltic Sea.

Russia's REN TV reports that earlier this week, the Russian submarine Krasnodar collided with the Polish submarine Orzel. Interfax suggested that the Krasnodar was not significantly damaged and returned to port in St. Petersburg.

But the Polish defense ministry denied the reports, asserting that the Ozhel has not left the Gulf of Gdansk in recent days.

"There was no collision between Polish and Russian ships. This is Russian propaganda looking for problems where there are none," said Bartłomiej Misiewicz, a ministry spokesman.

The Orzel is a diesel-electric Kilo-class submarine of Soviet origin, dating to 1986. It carries up to 18 torpedoes or 24 mines.

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WNU Editor: One the Russian sources for this story is here. There is no official Russian Ministry of Defense report of this incident, and the Polish ministry is denying it completely.

Hat Tip to reader Naz for this lead.

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