Saturday, April 30, 2016

Fly With The Fighter Pilots Of The Chinese Air Force (Video)

Popular Mechanics: Scramble with Fighter Pilots of the Chinese Air Force

​This video promoting China's air arm has a little bit of everything​.

A video promoting the People's Liberation Army Air Force—informally known as the Chinese Air Force—has surfaced on YouTube. The video attempts to show the PLAAF as a service fully prepared to defend the country's air space, as well as contribute to fights on the ground and at sea, at a moment's notice.

The video starts with children playing in a field of flowers, wearing various national dresses of China's various regions. Suddenly, shattering the peace of this scene, Chinese air force pilots quickly scramble to their planes.

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WNU Editor: They are getting better with these promotional videos.


  1. Gee whiz they can't even come up with original music. They ripped off the Battleship soundtrack....

  2. No nation is willing to tangle with their military and they damn well know it.
