Friday, April 29, 2016

U.S. Senator Demands Answers About F-35’s Close Air Support Role

POGO: Senator Demands Clarification About F-35’s Close Air Support Role

One of the central issues in the debate over retiring the A-10 has been whether or not the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will be an adequate replacement to perform the close air support mission. The program office has issued a number of conflicting statements on the issue. And in this week’s Senate Armed Services Committee update on the F-35 program, the most heated exchange came when Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) sought clarification about conflicting statements made by Air Force leaders regarding the mission and which aircraft would perform it.

Senator Ayotte first mentioned Air Force Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh’s recent statement in which he said, “the mission capability of the A-10 will not be replaced by the F-35.”

She then referenced the F-35 Program Office’s own webpage, which clearly states the plane is to replace the A-10.

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