Monday, May 30, 2016

NATO To Raise Military In Poland After Warsaw Summit In July

DW: NATO urges members to stand up to 'Russian military assertiveness'

NATO has urged member nations to stand up to what it calls "Russia's military assertiveness." The head of the military alliance has also pledged to strengthen the alliance's forces along its eastern borders.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, in Warsaw to lay the groundwork for NATO's July summit, said: "I expect leaders at Warsaw to agree on an enhanced forward presence in the east of the alliance."

"An attack on any ally will be swiftly met by the forces from across the alliance, from both sides of the Atlantic," he added.

NATO cut cooperation with Moscow following Russia's Ukraine intervention and annexation of Crimea in 2014. However, the US-led alliance has said it will hold formal talks with Moscow before the July 8-9 summit in Warsaw.

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WNU Editor: The spending is also going up .... Defence spending by Nato’s Europe states up as uncertainty rises (Financial Times)

More News On NATO Committing To Deploy More Military Resources To Poland After The July Summit

NATO General Secretary on Warsaw visit -- Radio Poland
NATO Summit to Raise Military Presence in Poland, Region -- New York Times
Stoltenberg promises Poland «more NATO troops» after Warsaw summit -- Europe Online
NATO to Increase Presence in Poland After Warsaw Summit - Stoltenberg -- Sputnik
Countdown to NATO summit in Warsaw -- Radio Poland
NATO to strengthen defense, deterrence at Warsaw summit: top official -- New China


  1. Keep pouring gas on the issue and soon enough Nato will be getting the war they have been hoping for, for such a long time.


    Funny, you'll never see them mobilize to deal with places like this.

  3. What is the point of mentioning Mr. Epstein.

    Bill Clinton was there too and Hillary stills stand by her man.

    ... and the mainstream Press and DNC and Democrat voters (1/20 of them) stand by her.

    The bottom 10% have low morals too.

    It is the middle that has something to lose and does not have the money to light cigars, pay accountants, and lawyers day in and day out that have the morals.

    Previous DNC candidates have been death bed leaver John Edwards and release my 2nd Chakra Al Gore.

    Carter was clean and maybe Truman. But FDR, JFK & LBJ (Mr Naked on the airplane) were not.

    We still are not sure who the daddy is of the kid that went to a private school in Hawaii.

    1. The point is while hysterical proto-fascists in Poland/eastern Europe and elsewhere hysterically cry out against Russia and the NATO dog duly barks, rich asshole paedophiles get to play on an island. If an enemy exists that could use an incursion by an armed force, it's on that island.

      The lower 10% assholes go to prison when they're caught and have never held the nuclear football.

  4. The Berlin came down and the USSR fell apart and NATO downsized.

    Sounds like a bunch of war mongers to me.

  5. I'm pretty sure NATO doesn't hope for the war. Now Russia as the most powerful military force the world has ever known may want this war. After all they know there is no realistic way they could possibly lose.

    Of couse the red sea could part yet again. Defeating Russia militarilty would require a comparable miracle. American defense planing should begin and end based upon this reality and the realization that it cannot be changed. Russia is the most powerful military force the world has ever known and is unbeatable. Of course the red sea could part yet again but basing policy on such things seems qjestionable at best.

    Bottom line: Russia is the dominant power on earth and will remain so for the forseeable future. All nations and especially the USA need to to adjust and act accordingly. As the nation Russians seem to despise the most, it is of utmost importance that Americans and our leaders act accordingly. Perhaps tbey will show mrrcy towards us.

    1. B Poster
      The Russian economy is roughly the size of the economy of Italy.about 1/8 of the size of the U.S.

  6. Si-vis-passen,

    In the event of a war, Russian cyber attacks possibly followed up by a nuclear attack would very likely bring the entire US economy to a complete halt very quickly.

    Very respectfully when measuring military prowess size of a nation's economy along with the size of the military budget are the least important statistics to consider. In other words and very respectfully, when commentators waste time measuring such things they are not studying what they need to study to gain a proper understanding.

    Of course I freely admit my analysis of Russian military power could be wrong. The only way to "know" is to actually fight the war. I pray we never "know."
