Friday, June 3, 2016

A Look At The World Views Of Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, left, in Los Angeles May 5 and Republican candidate Donald Trump, right, in Eugene, Ore., on May 6. PHOTO: /LUCY NICHOLSON (LEFT) AND JIM URQUHART (RIGHT)/REUTERS

Damian Paletta, Wall Street Journal: How Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump See the World Differently

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have offered sharply different views on the U.S.’s role in the world. Here’s a look at how some of their viewpoints contrast:

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WNU Editor: A brief summary on key issues. A possible change in U.S. - Russia relations with a Trump Presidency. No change if Hillary Clinton is President.

Update: This poll is probably accurate .... Poll: Voters don't believe Trump's or Clinton's campaign promises (CBS News).


  1. It's easy to understand why Americans don't believe either candidate. After all they've been lied to more times than most of them can count and they are far to busy trying to survive while not being gunned down by illegal immigrants from the south or by thugs that can't be prosecuted due to politcal correctness or other various technicalities. All this while political leaders try to deny them basic firearms they need to defend themselves and their families.

    Americans should realize that Mr. Trump has alienated so many political leaders that if he does not win the election and become POTUS he and his extended family are going to be executed very painfully and publically. As such, he has to meep any and all promises he makes. Failure to do so means not only his execution and his extended family but his thorough and complete humiliation. As such, his only hope will be in the people who might vote him into office.

    To borrow a poker term, he's "all in." To fail means not only his death but the death of his entire extended family.

    As for Hiliary, she could step out now and live a quite privileged life. Even if she's indicted, she'll likely be acquitted. The right attorneys can do anazing things. If she goes to prison, she'll live in luxury few Americans can fathom while there until she gets out after a very short stay and then her privileged lifestyle becomes even greater!!

    As such, if she doesn't keep any campaign promises it costs her nothing and may gain her tremendously. As for Mr. Trump, he has to keep his promises. Only the voters who vote him in can protect him from the wrath of the elites as they will exrcute him and his extended family at the first opportunity should he be elected. In making any analysis on who to "trust" Ameticans need to understand reality.

    As I've stated before, he was NOT my first choice as POTUS. The reality is he will probably be the next POTUS and all donestic and foreign entities need to prepare for this and act accordingly.

  2. An improvement in US/Russian relations is the most important mission of the next POTUS. Bad relations with the world's dominant military power CANNOT continue.

    Furthermore the next POTUS is likely to be dealing with the loss of the US $ as world reserve currency. Since this cannot be prevented, the goal needs to be a "soft landing" as opposed to a "hard landing." Earnest negotiations with Russia and China are going to be neccessary in this regard.

    As tbe most powerful nations in the world, we need to procure their support. As the most powerful nation on earth, perhaps Russia can bring China along.

    With a Trump presidency there may be some hope in improving relations with Russia. With Hiliary there seems no hope. This alone seems a good reason to vote Trump.

  3. Exaulted thinking from the Trump brain trust! Another reason to vote Democratic Party, almost never bat shit crazy. Moderate thinking and governing must prevail.

  4. Whose the "Trump brain trust?" Whose "exalted" here?

    I'd say the Democrats are filled with hubris. Nor are they "moderate." These are Iran "death to America" loving misguided ideologues.

    It does seem clear that Mr.Trump has alienated so many elites that he cannot return to his life as a businessman should he lose whereas Hiliary can return to her life as a rich elite. As such, Mr. Trump will be far more likely to keep his electoral promises as he has no choice.
