Thursday, June 2, 2016

Expections Are Low For Tomorrow's International Conference On Restarting The Israeli - Palestinian Peace Process

Reuters: U.S. not bringing specific proposals to Middle East peace talks in Paris

The United States will not bring any specific proposals at a Paris conference meant to set out a framework for fresh negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians nor has it decided what, if any role, it may play in the French effort, a senior State Department official said on Thursday.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is attending the French conference on Friday, which is set to include the Middle East Quartet – the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations – the Arab League, the U.N. Security Council and about 20 countries, without Israeli or Palestinian participation.

U.S. efforts to broker a two-state deal collapsed in April 2014, and Kerry has said any peace effort would require compromise from both sides.

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More News On Friday's International Conference Setting Out A Framework For Fresh Negotiations Between Israel And The Palestinians

France to host talks on Israel-Palestinian peace bid -- Expatica
Paris peace confab set to end with call for ‘clear timetable’ for talks -- Times of Israel
French Peace Plan Seeks Rigid Deadlines for Every Stage of Israeli-Palestinian Talks -- Haaretz
Total of 28 Delegations Confirm Paris Middle East Conference Attendance -- Sputnik
Netanyahu steps up opposition to French-led Mideast peace initiative -- France 24
Israeli authorities hold secret meetings with US in advance of Friday’s peace talks -- IMEC News


  1. "...without Israeli or Palestinian participation." Any solution to this situation is going to require the parties to mutually agree. As such, what is the point in holding such talks if neither side in the conflict is going to be present?!!? This seems like a colossal waste of time and resources that could be better utilized elsewhere. While I've come to expect stupid and wasteful use of resources and time by the American government, I suppose I assumed others were smarter.

    At best, any peace imposed by outside parties will be unwieldy and not durable. At worst, such things will cause resentment all the way around and lead to what is known as "blowback."

    If outside parties such as the US really were serious about this situation, the first step would be to cut off all aid to the Palestinians or at the very least make the aid highly conditional much like what Israel receives. If others were to follow suit, this would have the effect of placing the parties on more equal footing which might make the Palestinians more willing to negotiate with Israel in good faith. Not only would such a move help the "peace process" but Israel is supposed to be our ally as well.

  2. Maybe Kerry should use the same knee pads he used for Iran deal.....Might work Again ! !
