Saturday, June 4, 2016

Here We Go Again

WNU editor: This book is going to be released at the end of this month. Are we going to learn anything new .... I doubt it. But the Millennials who were too young to know anything during the 1990s are now going to learn for the first time all that there is to know about the Clintons when they were the White House. My prediction .... this will have an impact. Many among my generation (I am in my fifties) viewed their behaviour in the 1990s with a ho-him altitude (its all about sex .... so what). But for Millennials .... their view is radically different, and that type of behaviour (to them) is inexcusable.

Sighhh .... wars and conflict spreading throughout the world. Global economy and finances bleak. Millions of refugees on the move. But it looks like this election will be focused on an ex-President's sexual behaviour, and how his wife enabled him.


  1. It's not us "old farts", or even Gen.X keeping Tinder, Grinder, Gaydar and hundreds of other "hook up" apps profitable.

    1. I've said it before; the Grandkids are going to be way less forgiving and willing to countenance foolishness than us. It's that generation I'm going to keep an eye on.

  2. The Millenials .... Jay .... I am the first to admit that I do not understand them, and I am bewildered on how they see the world. Then again .... they probably feel the same way about me..

    1. I'm not the least bit confused about them.

      Despite having or working towards advanced degree's, only 11% of them will have "decent" jobs with pensions and benifits, the rest will work McJobs fr the rest if their lives trying to pay off Student Debt.

      Only 7% will ever manage to buy a home.

      Most of them are kids of Gen X, and are watching their Parents face retirement with no pensions, no savings, ( Wall Street ate my pension), few assets, Guilded Age levels of excess and inherited wealth, while their parents are one paycheque away from bankruptcy.

      They've already been through 6 collapsed bubbles, 4 recessions and a Global Economic Collapse. Their countries have been at "war" almost their whole lives, with out even coming close to "winning", and there has been no call for "national sacrifice", because the wars are not about the "fate of the Nation", they are about Corporate Profits and Economic Hedgemony, ( of which they don't get any part of the profits).

      They have 24/7 communication with their peers and social circle, through devices with more computing power than an '80's Supercomputer and constant access to all the data, opinions and facts of the WWW.

      They watched Hope and Change turn into Nope and Can You Spare Some Change, Occupy was first ignored by the President they elected, then marginalized, then taken apart by the National Security State, while Bankster's got bonuses and the foreclosed went to jail.

      They discovered that $5 sent via Paypal to SOS, UFA, BLM, RTD had more positive effect on their peers and families lives than voting. They didn't grow up with MHLF's, Unemployment Insurance and Welfare, they grew up with homeless on the streets and food banks and garbage binning.

      Basically, for most of them, the world sucks, the Economy sucks, ( and they are smart enough to realize it always will), Corporations own not only the Politicians, but whole nation states, War is never ending, because it's too profitable,

      But with instant and constant connectivity, you can find a couch to surf, entertain yourself with Candycrush or Angry Birds, find your next crappy job, or a buddy who's currently having some luck and get a hot meal, find somebody very much alike to share a night with or become a Friend with Benifits, and they have learned to both "pay it back" and "pay it forward".

      All of their "primal needs", ( the 3 F's) can be found on line, many of their "higher needs" can also be found on line, and they realize that the whole Economic, Political and Military System is now set up to capture every asset society has that could apply to their "highest needs" and "future needs".

      In the '80's, "we" set up a whole "Black Economy" that still exists, and is larger than ever, that paralleles the "Legal Economy" in a response to economic privation, "They" are setting up an entire "Black Society" in response to Corporatization.

  3. Sums it up for me.

    Steely Dan – Hey Nineteen Lyrics

    Way back when in sixty-seven
    I was the dandy
    Of Gamma Chi
    Sweet things from Boston
    So young and willing
    Moved down to Scarsdale
    And where the hell am I

    Hey Nineteen
    No we can't dance together
    No we can't talk at all
    Please take me along
    When you slide on down

    Hey Nineteen
    That's 'Retha Franklin
    She don't remember the Queen of Soul
    It's hard times befallen
    The Soul Survivors
    She thinks I'm crazy
    But I'm just growin' old

    Hey Nineteen
    No we got nothin' in common
    No we can't talk at all
    Please take me along
    When you slide on down

    The Cuervo Gold
    The fine Colombian
    Make tonight a wonderful thing

    We can't dance together
    No we can't talk at all
