Saturday, June 4, 2016

How Intelligence Played A Key Role In The U.S. Victory At Midway 74 Years Ago

Mark Munson, War On The Rocks: The Battle of Midway: The Complete Intelligence Story

The Battle of Midway in June of 1942 was one of the most important naval battles in world history and a turning point in the Second World War. Between June 4 and 7, aircraft from aircraft carriers Enterprise, Yorktown, and Hornet of the U.S. Navy’s Task Forces 16 and 17 ambushed and sank the Imperial Japanese Navy’s carrier force that only six months before had attacked Pearl Harbor and terrorized the Pacific. The Battle of Midway is important to memorialize and remember for many reasons. Among these reasons is that it is an inexhaustible source of still-relevant lessons on how to successfully apply intelligence at all levels of war.

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1 comment:

  1. First lesson of the above is:
    Intel must be usable and then it must be used, regardless of collection, analysis, and conveyance.
    Second lesson:
    The greatest danger of success is contempt, which breeds complacency, which leads to blindness, which leads to surprise and loss.
