Wednesday, June 1, 2016

NATO Struggles To Stay Credible

The Economist

Steven Erlanger, New York Times: Tested by Russia, NATO Struggles to Stay Credible

BRUSSELS — Six weeks before a critical summit meeting aimed at bolstering NATO’s deterrence against a resurgent Russia, the alliance is facing a long list of challenges. The first is to find a country to lead the last of four military units to be deployed in Poland and the three Baltic nations.

But that, analysts say, could be the least of its problems.

Security concerns are as high now as they have been since the end of the Cold War. As the immigration crisis has strained relations within the Continent, anxieties have been heightened by Russian military offensives in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, and a bombing campaign in Syria that has demonstrated Moscow’s rapidly increasing capabilities. Lately, Russia has talked openly about the utility of tactical nuclear weapons.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Talk about looking for a mission .... and failing to get even minimal support. This is not surprising .... there is no leadership .... there is especially no U.S. Presidential leadership. And lacking such high-powered leadership .... NATO will always be struggling to stay relevant and credible.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a mission for NATO.

    Last year Europe was invaded by a significant number male military age "refugees" who have shown their true colours by raping women of Europe. The women of Europe of course don't realize they are simply the spoils of war being reaped by the victors, the people who invaded in what was really a bloodless invasion.

    Therefore, NATO being the defender of those members "attacked" could and should be placing military throughout Europe to assist in the protection against further transgressions by the "invaders" and perhaps for the ratification of the problem that is about to be exacerbated with a new wave of "refugees".

    If NATO is worried about Russia this would accomplish two missions, one necessary, the other not so much.
