Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Polish Defense Minister: One NATO Battalion Is Enough To Stop 'Russian Aggression'

Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz. KACPER PEMPEL / REUTERS / REUTERS

Sputnik: Polish Defense Minister: One NATO Battalion Can Stop 'Russian Aggression'

Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz is convinced that one rotating battalion of NATO troops deployed on Polish territory would be sufficient to deter any Russian plans to invade the country, and to hold the Russians down long enough for long enough for reinforcements to arrive if it ever came to war.

Cited by the defense-related US newspaper Defense News, Macierewicz said that Warsaw would be requesting for a rotating battalion-plus sized force of NATO troops to be stationed in Poland at next month's upcoming NATO summit in Warsaw. The troops, the minister said, would be meant to deter any possible 'Russian aggression'.

Read more ....

Update #1: One NATO Battalion Enough to 'Deter Russian Aggression,' Poland Says (Moscow Times)
Update #2: Polish Official: Battalion Enough to Deter Russia (Defense News).

WNU editor: He can't be serious .... can he?


  1. I think he overestimates American/NATO capabilities and underestimates those of Russia. This is actually typical of US and "allied" governments, especially the US. It is the strong tendency to overestimate our capabilities, underestimate those of adversaries and potential adversaries, all while understating and underestimating potential threats.

    As such, he is serious in the sense that he believes one battalion can tie down Russia long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Again, in my considered opinion, he is overestimating American/NATO capabilities while underestimating those of Russia.

    Additionally even if he is correct he is assuming the troops who make up this battalion are entirely expendable, as they would all be sacrificed. Since most of this battalion if not all of it would likely be made up of US forces, these men and women are entirely expendable in the eyes and mind of the Polish official.

    I've been stating for many, many years that the former Eastern Bloc and former Soviet Republics do not have the same interests as America and it is questionable at best if their interests are even compatible with ours. As such, I've been pointing out for a very, very long time that the NATO "alliance" MUST be renegotiated in a manner that fits with American interests. I've been saying this since the late 1990s. Today the need to renegotiate this seems even more apparent.

  2. He is serious and mostly right. All I will add is that they don't need a battalion because "Russian aggression" against anyone in Eastern Europe beyond Ukraine itself (and even there it's very limited) is a complete phantom. Not much to deter there. The risk of a serious confrontation of America is all the deterence they need. Surprised he isn't exaggerating the threat instead.

  3. Buyers remorse.

    Somebody showed him the cost figures.

  4. I agree Jay. It always comes down to the money.

  5. I didn't know Robert Duvall is in the Polish government.

  6. The Poles have stopped the Russians cold before.
