Friday, June 3, 2016

Russia Is Considering Sending Combat Troops To Syria

Al Jazeera: Russian ground operation in Syria 'under discussion'

Kremlin insider tells Al Jazeera that Moscow is considering sending special forces to fight against Syrian rebel groups.

Moscow - Russian President Vladimir Putin may deploy special operations forces on the ground in Syria, a former official has told Al Jazeera, a move that might be made to ensure "a decisive victory".

It has been more than eight months since Russia intervened in the Syrian conflict, and at the time Putin said there were no plans to participate in ground operations - but he also said "for now".

Putin is reportedly discussing with military commanders the possibility of deploying combat troops on the battlefield.

"This is under discussion, there are plans for this," Andrei Fyodorov, a former deputy minister for foreign affairs, told Al Jazeera.

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WNU Editor: Russian special forces are already in Syria .... what this spokesman is saying is that Moscow is now considering sending in even more troops .... a lot more. The general belief in the Kremlin (if Russian media, social media, and Russian government spokesmen/women are to be believed) is that the Syrian rebels .... Islamic State included .... are on the verge of defeat, and that all that it would take to make this happen would be more troops and a concerted campaign on key rebel strongholds. My prediction .... this deployment of Russian combat soldiers is going to happen .... and probably sooner rather than later.


  1. Everyone believes now that ISIS's defeat is imminent and are rushing in enough forces to be able to dictate whatever terms they feel are advantageous.
    This belief of ISIS's imminent collapse is ill founded in my opinion.
    This does though answer somewhat a question I have had for awhile: if ISIS is defeated, what will be the reaction of the larger powers involved?
    Such powers are:
    Saudi Arabia and Sunni gulf states with Israel and Jordan peripherally

  2. I concur James. This war is not going to be over if ISIS is defeated. They will just go underground. But for the big powers .... the game is just starting.

  3. WNU,
    ISIS, if defeated would have a problem in doing the old classic "melt back into the population" with so many of their lower ranking members being from foreign parts. The upper to middle command structure can probably be fairly successful at it, but not the foot soldiers. A good tip off that ISIS itself feels it's going down hard militarily will be large numbers of these foreign fighters trying to ex-filtrate out of the area and back home any way they can.
    A lot of pundits have been claiming that the increase of ISIS activity in Libya (North Africa) is their fall back strategy to compensate for defeat in Iraq and Syria. I disagree with this. This move of theirs has always been part of their Grand


  4. 1: Syrian Rebels are not ISIS, you/Kremlin should have know that ...3years infighting ... or propaganda from pravda aka WMU

    2: Syrian Rebels are not on the verge of defeat, just check Southern Aleppo. Clearly you/Kremlin dont know the facts on the ground.. a joke

    What Al Nursa wants is Russian Kebabs on the ground. More 10Y of wars.
