Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Could A Looming Fiscal Crisis Doom America's Military Edge?

Loren B. Thompson, National Interest: How A Looming Fiscal Crisis Could Doom America's Military Edge

The problem with defense professionals is that defense is all they think about. Other than spending time with the family and catching a football game on the weekend, they're all about war. So things that impinge on their profession from outside the military realm often come as a colossal surprise.

The Budget Control Act is a case in point. Anybody who follows U.S. politics realizes that defense is a sideshow in the struggle for power. The big divide is between those who favor taxes and entitlements, and those who oppose them. But if you aren't tuned into that debate, then you probably won't be prepared for what developments such as the Budget Control Act mean for your plans.

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WNU editor: When the Soviet collapsed .... the economy collapsed with it, followed by the military. The same could happen with the U.S.. If the economy collapses .... say goodbye to new weapons programs, research, and procurement.


  1. True. Economy is the "nerve" of war

  2. Given the state of the "new" US weapons programs right now, stoppage might be a good thing.

  3. I was the robust economy that allowed the US and the West in general to have the money to to dominate, and since the US and the West transferred a huge swath of their industry to the third world and with that the Tax Dollars need to feed the machine the current rate of military spending is not sustainable. The So Called Leaders of the US and the West are too stupid to realize, that it was the Manufacturing ability of the US,USSR, Canada and Britain that was the game winner in WW2. Maybe for WW3 we can throw some Big Mac's or Whoppers at them.
