Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Has President-Elect Trump Embraced ‘Richard Nixon's Madman Theory’ On Foreign Policy

Liza Minelli, backstage at Carnegie Hall in New York in June 1987, hangs out with Henry and Nancy Kissinger, as well as Donald and Ivana Trump. (File)

Washington Post: The Daily 202: Donald Trump embraces the risky ‘Madman Theory’ on foreign policy

THE BIG IDEA: Donald Trump appears to have embraced, with gusto, Richard Nixon’s “Madman Theory” of foreign policy. He thinks he can use his reputation for unpredictability and lack of respect for long-standing international norms to unnerve and then intimidate America’s adversaries into making concessions that they would not otherwise make.

The Chinese government’s decision yesterday to return the naval drone that it had seized in the South China Sea, despite howls of protest about Trump’s braggadocio, might be the first vindication of this approach.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Too early to say what President-Elect Trump's foreign policy approach will be .... but I have doubts that it will be the "Madman Theory".


Unknown said...

the North Vietnamese were afraid of Nixon.

Then the Demoncats ousted him and North Vietnam had a clear road in 1975 that they did not in 1972.

Thanks Demoncats!

James said...

Liza doesn't look like she's digging on Henry's attention, but then again Liza doesn't look all there anyway.

Jay Farquharson said...

The North Vietnamese were not the least but afraid of Nixon,


They knew of his treason, and used it to negotiate the US abandonment of South Vietnam and their invasion of it after "a decent" interval.

Unknown said...

Politico is not a real media outlet.

It is as bad as The Village Voice, which it bought this year.

The Village Voice got 1/7 th of its revenue at some point in the last 15 years from Backpage.com which specialized in Human trafficking.

I guess the smart people at Village Voice could not make a go of it without the $ of slavery.

Unknown said...

The commutards invaded in 1972. Nixon handed them their ass. ]

In 1972 it was the South Vietnamese ground forces back up by American air power that defeated the commutards.

In 1975 Nixon was not there, but a commutard American congress was. Thank you Deomoncats.