Friday, December 30, 2016

Has Russian President Putin 'Outfoxed' President Obama On The Alleged Hacking Scandal?

Anna Nemtsova, Daily Beast: Putin Outfoxes Obama in Spy War

Moscow portrays the Obama administration’s sanctions and expulsion of Russians as a feeble last gesture, and responds in kind—then doesn’t.

MOSCOW — In the closing days of the old year, the United States and Russia are slapping each other in the face in the second big spy crisis of the fast-ending era of Obama, but it's a confrontation full of feints and surprises.

Back in 2010 the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested a ring of alleged Russian “sleepers,” including a red-haired Russian “Bond Girl” Anna Chapman who quickly became a celebrity ex-spy. In the end, not much harm was done.

But on Thursday, U.S. President Barack Obama ordered a much more significant action against what was portrayed as a much more sinister plot. In retaliation for the alleged hacking of the Democratic Party in an effort to tilt the U.S. presidential elections to Donald Trump, 35 Russians were declared “persona non grata,” two Russian intelligence agencies were sanctioned, a list of hackers was published. Russian residences in the United States, where Russian officials and their children spent time relaxing (among other things) found themselves shut down.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It is safe to say that Russian President Putin and U.S. President Obama are probably not going to be talking to each other anymore. It is clear to me that Moscow has given up on the Obama administration, and are now looking forward to the new Trump administration moving in. As for the current remarks and comments by Russian officials .... I would refrain from insulting the White House. Nothing will be gain from it .... my advice is to just ignore them because they will be gone in 3 weeks. As for not expelling 35 U.S. diplomats in kind .... and saying that Moscow is going to take the "high road" in this diplomatic spat .... has effectively "boxed in" the Obama administration from responding further while opening the door to President-elect Trump to move in and repair relations. My prediction .... this issue will be a non-story by next week even though the Obama administration and a few Democrat and Republican Senators will probably still be trying to push it.

More News On Russian Reaction To The U.S. Expelling 35 Russian Officials And Imposing New Sanctions

New sanctions ‘underscore vindictiveness & pettiness’ of Obama administration -- RT
Russia PM on Obama: 'RIP’ -- The Hill
Obama’s sanctions ‘gesture of despair, poisoned gift’ for Trump admin – Russian senator -- RT
Putin Stunner: "We Will Not Expel Anyone; We Refuse To Sink To 'Kitchen' Diplomacy" -- Zero Hedge
Putin takes the high road: Russian president says he WON'T expel US diplomats in revenge for hacking sanctions - but his aides blast Obama administration as 'angry and shallow-brained losers' -- Daily Mail
Russia Will Determine Steps in Restoring Ties With US Depending on Trump - Putin -- Sputnik
Putin Rejects Tit-for-Tat Expulsion Before Trump Takes Power -- Bloomberg
Russians Attack ‘Political Corpse’ Obama -- Observer
Putin hopes Russia, US will make steps to restore ties under Trump administration -- TASS
Putin says he won’t deport U.S. diplomats as he looks to cultivate relations with Trump -- Washington Post


  1. WNU,
    I am not sure to as optimistic as you are. Yes, it will forgotten next week, but I don't see Obama going to be calmer. What will be his next move? He his not understanding that more he his doing, more he will be humiliated. He has lost face and he can be very dangerous.

  2. Putin will just throw obamas rattle back in the cot and wait for trump, putin is a very patient baby sitter.

  3. Putin will just throw obamas rattle back in the cot and wait for trump, putin is a very patient baby sitter.

  4. It's great watching all the US embedded KA12 Soviet moles crawl out of deep cover to post in support of Russia.


  5. Hey Jay - not sure I'd agree. .I've loved Obama's intellectual approach, thar he has his heart at the right place when it comes to gun control (I think his tears during that speech he gave on that matter were honest), his dignity etc etc. .
    But his foreign politics are almost complete failure... He advanced climate actions, at the beginning of his presidency set nuclear disarmament goals etc. ..I liked all that.. but now. .if you're honest, Asia is entering a nuclear arms race, the world is less safe, terrorism has spread, and while isis caliphate is shrinking it took him and allies too long to make their ideology look completely without future. ..we now have two major brand international terrorism organisations.. Al quaeda and Isis. . This is an unmeasurable mistake that willstrike back and at one day costs thousands of lives and billions of economic loss ...and there's a chance it could be worse. .. then there's the failed pivot to Asia, the loss of face on the red line and its consequences for Syria and Europe, the diplomatic failure to tell England - a strategic and rock solid partner till then- it would have to go back to the line if Brexit were to happen etc etc. .. you know what. .I love Obama but. ..but he's just not experienced enough... giving great speeches and having a great heart and clearly above average intellect is not enough on that level. ..he had to be smarter and be more experienced or his advisers really sucked or all of these mistakes (and I could go on) were not his fault. .it could be that he just was a classy president at a time when the world has more and more strongman entering the ring. ..Duterte, Trump, the populist movement in England and the right wing move in parts of Europe. ..but I think many of these are because of Obama and the power vacuum he created by his policies and lack of leadership

  6. I'd also like to add the lack of vision he presented for the world and the American nation. ..I honestly can't think of one other than "no boots on the ground"... ie Obama has ruled out major wars and everyone believed him. ..that was his biggest mistake. .if you rule out boots on the ground, the world police usa just told all the thugs in the world that it's open business and that's exactly what happened

  7. Exactly A, no soviet moles just people who recognise a master tactican when you see him.
