Thursday, December 15, 2016

Is Russian President Vladi­mir Putin Winning?

RIA-Novosti, Mikhail Klimentyev, Presidential Press Service.

David Filipov, Washington Post: Moscow has the world’s attention. For Putin, that’s a win.

MOSCOW — President Vladi­mir Putin is winning. For now.

The Russian leader is winning because the post-Cold War order he has railed against has been thrown into chaos, and the Kremlin’s fingerprints are widely seen to be all over it.

A year ago, Russia faced a united Europe, an expanded NATO alliance, a paucity of geopolitical allies and the possibility of four more years of poor relations with the United States under a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Today, Putin’s military contingent in Syria just helped the government essentially retake Aleppo. The CIA has concluded that his hackers worked to help elect Donald Trump, who has dismissed commitments to Europe and touted better ties with Russia.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: According to the Washington Post .... the more chaos there is in the world .... the better that it is for the Kremlin. As I had remarked in a previous post, a good part of the world is in conflict, but the fingerprints are not from the Kremlin, it is from Washington. And while it is easy for Washington to blame everyone else for this mess, a good part of the world sees  the U.S. government as being the main purveyor and contributor to much of this chaos.


  1. A good part of the world is stupid😁

  2. There is much blame to go around and much of it as the feet of the US government. As to remark that much of the world is "stupid", this is true. America's adversaries and those who are competitors of America are much better at using the media to get their message out than America is, their messages are much more concise, and when America decides what "message" it wont's to convey it often cannot agree on exactly what that message is.

    At times, the messaging against America bears little difference than that by Nazi Germany against the Jews in the run up to holocaust. I hope and pray things don't end as badly for America and Americans as they did for the Jews of this era.

    With that said, given that clearly America does bear some blame for the current situation, and assuming Mr. Trump can follow through which I do believe he will attempt to do so many around the world should be grateful for the hope that this brings.

    After being ruled by ideologues for quite some time and being run into the ground by such people, it is refreshing to have a pragmatic business person in a position of influence.

    I'm not as interested in assigning blame as I am solving the current problems the world faces. In order to best facilitate this, America should probably approach Russia and try to work with the Russians with America as a junior partner.

    As the more powerful country, Russia should take the lead. This may take some time to fully facilitate as both countries have legitimate trust issues they are going to need to work towards a resolution. Mr. Trump's appointment of and selection of team members who have close ties to Russian leadership is a good positive step. In order to facilitate the negotiations, it is going to be important to have people the Russian leadership feels they can trust.

    Unfortunately the constant whining by the Democrats about Russian hacking and other interference in the election is not helpful. We need to improve relations with them. I suspect the well has already been poisoned by such things.

    People who try to undercut sound policies because of sheer pettiness deserve nothing but contempt and either belong in insane asylums or they need to be treated as little children until they can demonstrate a capability of managing their own affairs.

    It would be far better for such people to engage in honest reflection as to why they lost instead of blaming others and behaving like spoiled brats. Of course they could take the path of thugs and take the approach of, if we can't have it, we will destroy it for everyone else. I hope and pray they do not take this path.

  3. It's very funny when Democrats accuse Russia of hacking elections.. That only paints Russia to be stronger.. And trust me, the Russians are benefiting from the blame game... Please when is January20th? Lolz
