Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Is Russia's Military A Threat To NATO?

Military parade in Red Square. Wikipedia

Kris Osborn, National Interest: Is Russia a Military Threat to NATO?

How much of a threat do Russia's emerging 5th-generation stealth fighter, nuclear arsenal, high-tech air defenses, anti-satellite weapons, conventional army and submarines pose to NATO and the U.S.?

Current tensions between Russia and NATO are leading many to carefully assess this question and examine the current state of weaponry and technological sophistication of the Russian military -- with a mind to better understanding the extent of the kinds of threats they may pose.

Naturally, Russia’s military maneuvers and annexation of the Crimean peninsula have many Pentagon analysts likely wondering about and assessing the pace of Russia's current military modernization and the relative condition of the former Cold War military giant’s forces, platforms and weaponry.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: NATO's military, population, industrial base, etc .... far exceeds what Russia has or will have in the future .... so no .... it is not a military threat on a conventional level. It all changes when we discuss nuclear weapons .... where yes .... Russia is a threat. On a side note .... here are some of the weapons that Russia would use .... The 5 Russian Weapons Likely to Be Used in a Global War (Jack Crosbie, Inverse).


  1. Is NATO's expansion a threat to Russia?

  2. As I said we have to turn a page in the history to write the future. We have to come from NATO, which was an answer to Warsaw Pact and which is no more existing, to a new alliance for the 21 first century.
    Russia could be a good asset if we can find common ground on a good understanding. The way to reach that will be long way and that's the responsibility of Putin and Trump to do the foundation of this project. Yes, we have different what? Inside NATO nobody have the same opinion and we are still allied! It will takes pages to explain all of that in details, but that's will be the final future of all Caucasian's.

  3. Back in the 70's and 80's we got regular Intel Updates in the Battalion they really built up their capabilities, I believed them, when the USSR collapsed and the truth started to come out, I was shocked how backward the USSR was and other than the Nukes the USSR was no threat. Today, they have better leadership, love their rules of engagement,if Syria is anything to go by, they have a shit load of armor and artillery, and their people are tougher than our pussies that need safe spaces if someone says something not PC, NATO reminds me of the Autro-Hungarian Empire Circa 1914.Yea Russia is a threat.

  4. I can't envision the decrepit Western European militaries engaging in a serious conflict in the East. And unlike the recent fights against Middle Eastern armies and terrorist groups this conflict would incur serious losses no matter the outcome. Despite industrial advantages, the few modern tanks European NATO members still have are not easily replaced, whereas the Russians have thousands and thousands of relatively modern models in storage.

    Also I would be very skeptical as to how a mass-mobilization would turn out in European nations given how soft and flabby and unused to hardship the average male is.
