Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Islamic State Manufacturing Military Grade Weapons On An Industrial Scale In Iraq

Al Jazeera: ISIL produced military grade weapons in Iraq: report

Arms monitoring group says ISIL has an extensive and organised war production machine, much like a regular army.

ISIL has produced weapons on a scale and sophistication that matches national armies, standardising production across its self-styled caliphate, according to an arms monitoring group.

The UK-based Conflict Armament Research (CAR) said the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) had a "robust supply chain" of raw materials from Turkey, and the technical precision of its work meant it could not be described as "improvised" weapons production.

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More News On Reports That The Islamic State Is Manufacturing Military Grade Weapons On An Industrial Scale In Iraq

Report: Islamic State manufacturing arms on industrial scale -- FOX News/AP
Iraqi gains reveal huge scale of Islamic State arms industry -- AFP
Report: Islamic State manufacturing weapons on industrial scale -- Chicago Tribune
Monitoring Group: Jihadists Manufactured Weapons Ahead of Mosul Offensive -- VOA
IS making 'military grade' weapons in Mosul factories -- Middle East Eye


James said...

These people actually made this report with straight faces! Unbelievable.

fazman said...

Lol to funny, on a level with the Flintstones

fazman said...

Lol to funny, on a level with the Flintstones

B.Poster said...

There's nothing funny or unbelievable about this. This is a VERY tough enemy. They need to be treated as such. In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, some continue to cling to their ideological beliefs no matter what.

As a lifelong business person, Mr. Trump is a pragmatic person. While pragmatists often have no core values beyond self promotion or self serving interests which can make them untrustworthy, they do have an ability to learn from the mistakes, analyze the information in the universe that is available to them, and make decisions based upon this that an ideologue oftentimes cannot. As such, I think he can learn and adjust. As for others, some simply refuse to learn no matter what.