Monday, December 26, 2016

Israel Claims That They Have Evidence That President Obama Orchestrated The UN Resolution To End The Settlements

The Guardian: Israel threatens to give Trump 'evidence' that Obama orchestrated UN resolution

Netanyahu allies claim ‘iron-clad information’ from Arab sources reveals Obama administration drafted document to end settlements, which US abstained from

Israel has escalated its already furious war with the outgoing US administration, claiming that it has “rather hard” evidence that Barack Obama was behind a critical UN security council resolution criticising Israeli settlement building, and threatening to hand over the material to Donald Trump.

The latest comments come a day after the US ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, was summoned by Netanyahu to explain why the US did not veto the vote and instead abstained.

The claims have emerged in interviews given by close Netanyahu allies to US media outlets on Monday after the Obama administration denied in categorical terms the claims originally made by Netanyahu himself.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: These are serious accusations. If true .... Israel should release their evidence now.

More News On Israeli Claims That President Obama Orchestrated The UN Resolution To End The Settlements

Israel will share 'evidence' of Obama-UN collusion with Trump, ambassador says -- The Hill
Israel accuses Obama administration of helping craft, push UN censure -- FOX news
Israel says there's 'ironclad' proof Obama pushed UN vote -- CNN
Israeli ambassador: We’ll give Trump proof Obama drove UN vote -- Times of Israel
Israel’s Ambassador Dermer: We Have ‘Clear Evidence’ Obama Orchestrated Passage of Anti-Settlement UN Security Council Resolution, Will Present It to Trump -- Algemeiner
Israeli envoy: Obama gave Palestinians ammunition for diplomatic war on Israel -- Times of Israel
Israel Threatens to Give Trump Evidence Obama Was Behind U.N. Resolution -- Slate


Jay Farquharson said...


Bibi's lost it.

They are also threatening to withold all the aid they don't give to the UN Working Groups,

LMAO, Israel is toast.,_the_death_of_the_two-state_solution/

Anonymous said...

"The Western Wall is now officially an illegal “settlement,” according to the anti-Israel UN Security Council resolution passed last Friday with the acquiescence of the Obama administration, which abstained instead of exercising its traditional veto. That is because the Wall is in the Old City of Jerusalem, which Jews have inhabited for thousands of years but which was under Jordanian control from 1948 to 1967 after Arab soldiers ousted the population of the Jewish Quarter and destroyed much of it."

Seems like the Israelites have every reason to be pissed.

Jay Farquharson said...


fazman said...

Fair call

fazman said...

Fair call

fred said...

Bibi in a bind. He claims to want a two state solution but placates voters on the far right with Israel in West Bank and in Gaza.

fred said...

any and all left of center blogs and sites and papers depict the Israelis as bad bad bad and the poor Palestinian s as oppressed and put upon... there is a division and each side has "the truth" in this dispute.

Jay Farquharson said...

Up until 1995, the Western Left supported Israel, while the Conservatives didn't.

Then in 1995, Rabin was murdered by the Israeli Right, and expanded settlements and Sharon killed the two-state Solution.

Israel has rejected the two state solition, so all that will exist in the place of the Balfour Declaration, will be/is Aparthaid Greater Israel, until of course, demographics makes that untenable.

Anonymous said...

A very clear and accurate description of the issues regarding this.

Even if Israel completely deserted the West Bank, terror attacks would continue.

Jay Farquharson said...


When 43 year long ( so far" brutal occupations end,

Some people don't elect to forgive and forget.

It's been 139 years since Reconstruction ended, and the relatively benign Northern Occupation of the US South ended, and many don't forgive or forget today, and continue to engage in terrorism.