Saturday, December 24, 2016

The Kremlin Is Sending 'Two Clear Signals' To The Incoming Trump Administration

Sputnik: Putin 'Sends Two Clear Signals' to Washington

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent two "unmistakable signals" to US leadership and the American people, saying that Moscow does not view Washington as an aggressor and urging both countries to build cordial relations, journalist Vladimir Ardaev wrote for RIA Novosti.

Signal #1: Russia doesn't view US as an aggressor

"The president has clearly indicated that Russian leadership does not consider the United States to be a potential aggressor capable of attacking Russia," Ardaev said.

Speaking at a marathon press conference on Friday, Vladimir Putin provided a detailed explanation of his earlier comments that Russia was stronger than any aggressor. Contrary to what some in the US administration seemed to have assumed, the Russian president was not speaking about Washington.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: They are both in agreement on this point.


Anonymous said...

Russia is a weaker country. Economically and militarily. Not even close. Russia has an economy the size of Australia comma and it's in free fall. What is a junk bond status. Bankruptcies around the corner. It depends on the oil and gas exports, which are in the tank right now. Nothing else comes from Russia accept cheap Weapons Systems. You can't run an economy on that. You have under 200 fighter aircraft, and they're from the USSR days, a shadow of our Navy, and no ability to put troops on our soil. If it wasn't for your nuclear arms, the us would have slapped you and put you back in your box long ago. All these tough words are for domestic consumption. Trump might be a moron, but the US is still the strongest country in the world. Stay in the shallow end Putin.

Anonymous said...

I wish what you say were so.
Putins Russia may be a small semblance of the earlier Soviet Union, yet the nuclear and conventional armament still possessed by them is substantial.

If you don't see the alliances with, North Korea, Iran and especially China that Russia has as threatening, then you are out of touch.

Less we forget that Russia, with no self reflection, no balance of power from within, can go about whatever expansionist, destabilizing and scary military, psychological and economic disruption, Mr. Putin pleases. And the same is true in China. The world is now up for grabs, and every despot knows this.

Russia and China, together pose a larger and more substantial threat to peace and stability then expericenced during the Cold War.

B.Poster said...

Anon # 2,

You are largely spot on. There's little I could add here. You mention their alluances with North Korea, Iran, and China. This alone is beyond anything America can hope to match at anytime in the foreseeable future.

I would add that the US has done it's share to undermine "peace and stability" in a number of areas. As examples participation in the invasion of Libya was completely unjustified. Also, the invasion of Iraq without the proper troop committments has been a colossal blunder that has caused huge problems.

Thankfully we are now goung to bave new leadership. As such, big changes will be coming. Will they be for the better? Time will tell.

Young Communist said...

No one can match Russia on is own soil.
Neither an alliance of enemies.
Only an alliance between US and China can destroy Russia, but this thing is not possible to happen today.

Today choice of China is Russia, because they need each other strength.

The Russian economy is not great, but far from fall.

Next recession is going to impact us first.