Sunday, December 18, 2016

These Are The 5 Places In The World That Could Start World War III In 2017

Robert Farley, National Interest: 5 Places World War III Could Start in 2017

The Trump administration enters office in an unsettled time. For a variety of reasons (some directly connected to Trump’s rhetoric), the great powers face more uncertainty than at any time in recent memory. In the first few months of Trump’s presidency (indeed, perhaps even before his presidency begins) the United States will have to navigate several extremely dangerous flashpoints that could ignite, then escalate, conflict between the US, Russia, and China.

Reportedly, President Obama suggested to President Trump that North Korea policy would represent the first big test of his administration. North Korea continues to build more and more effective ballistic missiles, as well (most analysts suspect) to expand its nuclear arsenal. While the economy and political system remain moribund, the state itself has shown no inclination to collapse.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I do not see World War III breaking out in 2017 .... far from it. Aside from what is happening in the Middle East .... my number one worry is on what is happening in Afghanistan. The Taliban are preparing for a major push in 2017 that will severely test the Afghan government and foreign support of the war .... and I am not optimistic that we have a plan to counter such a push.


  1. Hundreds of years later historians are able to place the start of WWIII to an obscure chalet in the Canadian Laurentines. It was here in the early teens of the 21st century it was determined that an ex-pat Russian's last words were "Honey did you like the vacuum cleaner I gave you for Christmas?".

  2. I'm going to say Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in DC should be on the list...

  3. If WW3 starts in Korea, it is because a spoiled brat, who the heir to the throne in a communist country did not fear the wrath of another power.

  4. Hmm WW3 ? As an European i can say that whee are sick of wars, so most likely to happen ....most probably i will guess in Asia ! My opinion (The Nato Russia builds up at EU the border is just a political show !) ,but the real question is what countries will be involved in so called apocalyptic WW3!

  5. Interesting how obama advises trump on issues like north korea while obama has done nothing but allow such regimes to prosper and bolster their military might.
    Not too mention the shit show in the mideast which can be all pointed back to the obama administration and the leftist fantasy politics it has "tried out" for the last 8yrs. All of which have brought a giant ball of shit for the new potus to deal with.

    Sometimes when u already have a fairly decent system going it's better to refine it as opposed to completely dismantling and changing it into what it is today, a disaster waiting to happen.

  6. Communist states as never start any World War.

    They may be criminal, but not so crazy, greedy and filled by hubris like the capitalist-nationalist countries may become.

    Beware of the decadence of democracies in the west, the President of Republic and new government in Italy act as the great vote of "NO" in referendum is never happened.

    The increasing intolerance of people votes by establishment powers can bring into disaster.

  7. James,

    Not a World War, but a local one.

  8. YC,
    I'll concede on that point. It does come close in the number of countries involved, but certainly not in area.
