Monday, December 26, 2016

Top U.S. General In Iraq: 'It Will Take 2 Years To Defeat The Islamic State'

Brigitte N. Brantley,TSgt,USAF/

Kimberly Dozier, Daily Beast: Top U.S. General: Two More Years to Beat ISIS

It wasn’t that long ago that the Pentagon was talking about taking down ISIS’s strongholds ASAP. Now, victory might not come until late 2018. Maybe

The general commanding coalition forces in Iraq predicts it will take two years of hard fighting to clear the so-called Islamic State from its twin capitals of Mosul and Raqqa, and then to burn out the remnants that will likely flee to the vast empty desert between Syria and Iraq.

In a Christmas Day sit-down with The Daily Beast at his headquarters, Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend would not put specific timelines on the battle. But he mapped out a grinding campaign that he thinks is going slowly but as well as can be expected, considering how much time ISIS had to prepare and how brutal its fighters are willing to be.

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WNU Editor: Two more years of war?!?!?! 


  1. I'm thinking much longer than 2 years. It took 6 years to defeat Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. ISIS is far tougher than either of these enemies and currently America of today is far weaker than America of the 1930s relatively speaking. As such, defeating this enemy will be very hard and very time consuming with much loss of American life.

    American leaders, if they are smart, will want to know the Russians support them and have their backs. As a person who has contacts with these people, this is the primary reason DJT got elected.

    Hopefuplly the "deal maker" can pull this off. America`s survival may well depend upon his efforts.

  2. B. Poster, you are so full of yourself, and your tiny hand god-boy!

  3. Actually I'm being realistic. Failure to recognize reality generally ends badly.

    1. Tougher than 1941 wermacht or rommels afrika korp?
      You gotta be kidding! 10000 Africa Korp led my Rommel with ww2 pamzers and ww2 airsupport would have the job done long ago.
      Be glad that isis is facing inept Iraqis ( gotta love the term elite golden brigade in their nikes )!.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Terms of engagement have a lot to do with victory or otherwise.

