Sunday, December 25, 2016

US Forces Have Been Embed Deeper With Iraqi Forces To Retake Mosul

ABC News Online: Mosul: US embeds more extensively to help Iraqis retake northern city from Islamic State

US forces assisting Iraqi troops in the battle lo retake Mosul from Islamic State (IS) are embedding more extensively, a senior commander has confirmed, in a move that could accelerate a two-month-old campaign which has slackened after quick initial advances.

More than 5,000 American service members are currently deployed in Iraq as part of an international coalition advising local forces.

In October, Defence Minister Marise Payne confirmed that Australia had about 80 personnel assisting the international effort to drive Islamic State fighters out of the northern city.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The battle to retake Mosul is not going well .

More News On The Battle For Mosul

U.S. forces embedding more to help Iraqis retake Mosul: commander -- Reuters
US forces embed deeper with Iraqi forces bogged down in Mosul -- RUDAW
'Our coalition must endure': 5,000+ US troops embed with coalition forces to strike Mosul -- RT
Iraqi Shiite Militia Eliminates Almost 300 Daesh Militants Southwest of Mosul -- Sputnik
Iraqi troops gearing up for second phase of Mosul offensive -- RUDAW
Defense Secretary Ash Carter Predicts 'Tough Fight' Ahead To Retake Mosul -- NPR
Iraqis celebrate first Christmas near Mosul after Islamic State pushed out -- Reuters
Iraqis Celebrate Christmas Near Mosul After ISIS Pushed Out -- NBC
Risking death by staying home in Mosul -- CNN
The Iraqi government told Mosul residents to stay put. Now they are paying a heavy price -- L.A. Times
Iraq’s Gold Division may liberate Mosul, but at what cost? -- RUDAW
There’s good news in Mosul — for now -- Jackson Diehl, Washington Post


B.Poster said...

The battle has been going on only a few months. It took six years to defeat Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. It took Russian backed forces more than a few months to capture Aleppo.

This is a VERY tough enemy. It seems premature to conclude the battle is not going well. Against an enemy of this magnitude setbacks should be expected and we should expect adjustments would need to be made.

With that said no one is asking "should we fight on behalf of Iran 'death to America'?" "If we help Iran 'death to America' soldify it's control over Iraq, what do we gain?" As a sovereign nation, America has every right to assert it's basic intersts and rights and to expect others to treat it with the basic respect and dignity most others take for granted.

Perhaps it would be best to pull our people out while our mortal enemies tear each other apart. With that said it is WAY to early to determine that the battle does not go well. This is a VERY tough enemy. I estimate to defeat it could take 5 years or longer. Again, do we really want to help Iran while getting NOTHING except further abuse? I say NO!!

Jay Farquharson said...

"The reason, the president added, “that we did not just start taking a bunch of airstrikes all across Iraq as soon as ISIL came in was because that would have taken the pressure off of [Prime Minister Nuri Kamal] al-Maliki.”

B.Poster said...


It's higly unlikely that a bunch of random airstrikes accross Iraq at the start would have made any difference. Such an action would have likely made things worse as ISIS would not have been harmed in any significant manner and the death toll among Iraqis not affiliated with ISIS would have nade matters worse as more Iraqis would likely have been driven into the arms of ISIS.

It is unsurprising that POTUS would have made such a ridiculous statement. He and his team have underestimated this enemy from the start.

With that said maybe he accidently got sonething right. Why hand Iraq to the Iranian tool without a fight and ssking nothing from his Iranian masters assuming we could which is unlikely that we could have.

According to the article the battle for Mosul has been ongoing for only two months. This is NOT an instant pizza here. Defeating this enemy will be VERY difficult and will take a VERY long time. It took Russia and their allies quite awhile to capture Aleppo. There's no reason to think America will be able to do any better.

Jay Farquharson said...


B.Poster said...

What's so funny? I've often found laughther to be a defense mechsnism employed by people when confronted with truth that destroys their carefully constructed fantasies and tbey are unsure how to respond. naybe this is the case here. Kn any event, I would be interested to know just what is so funny.

Jay Farquharson said...


Remember Ramadi?

Of course not.

You have an "opinion", no facts, just an opinion, and can't remember reports on this site from a week ago, a month ago, a year ago.

You have no "history", just alt-history.

B.Poster said...

I remember Ramadi. I looked it up in Wikipedia to refresh my memory. This was a very tough battle. The cuurent battle will be even tougher as this area is more strategic to the enemy. Then as now no one seems to be asking "do we really want to help Iran 'death to America' solidify it's control over Iraq?" "Would it be best for us to withdraw while bitter enemies tear each other apart?" I'd suggest we do not want to help Iran and it'd be great to have bitter enemies tear each other apart. At a minimum, if we are going to help Iran, they better offer us meaningful concessions along with the means to enforce the agreement.

Jay Farquharson said...

So, you remember the Iraqi helocopter gunship pilots reporting thousands of ISIS fighter's fleeing, Ramadi for Monsul,

Begging CENTCOM for permission to attack, which was denied,

But attacked anyway.

And after they killed several hundred ISIS fighters, armoured vehicles and technicals, and were back at base, refueling and rearming, and having told CENTCOM to "fuck off",

CENTCOM finally tasked USAF assets to target the thousands of ISIS fighters regreating from Ramadi.

You remember the Russian UNSC presentation of thousands of ISIS tankers looting Iraqi and Syrian oil, ( that had gone on for years)?

CENTCOM responded by dropping flyers.

Russia responded by bombing thousands of tanker trucks.

After being humiliated by Russia, CENTCOM finally, ( after 8 years) "suddenly" decided that ISIS's illegal oil trade was a "viable" target.


Mount Singar, Kobane, Ramadi, Fallujah, now Monsul.

The US only target's ISIS when others humiliate the US into doing so.

The US much prefer's ( dier Ezzor) to support ISIS.


Unknown said...

ओबामा ने बढ़ाया भारत का रुतबा, पाक के कतरे पर

B.Poster said...

Russia is powerful. The United States is weak. Americanho worry about war crimes tribunals. Russians don't. Americans are envious of Russia in multiple ways. Americans nly wish we had tne abilities you Russians have. Not only do you Russians have abilitoes we Americans can't begin to fathom, you can avoid UN war crims tribunals that no American could hope to avoid. Americans are envious. During Cold War 1 Americans sent you the middle finger by building a top flight economy before you destroyed hs. No one seriously thought the Soviet Union could actually be defeated.

Then along came Ronald Reagan. While most Americans were abejectltly terrified, after the catastrophic failures of Carter any many dared not hope somehow se aon the lottery!! The Soviet Union was gone!! No American would have dared fathomed such was possible.

Now fast forward to Cold War 2. Russian advantages today far exceeed those of Cold War 1. I'm pretty sure many of our "allies" find this quite funny. As for my countrymen and women, look for ways to add vslue to the Russians. Perhaps they will show us mercy.

Jay Farquharson said...