Thursday, December 29, 2016

White House To Release Report To Congress On Alleged Russian Hacking

The seats for the Russian delegation are seen unoccupied during the session of the United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. Headquarters in New York. © Mike Segar / Reuters

Sputnik: Obama Set To Release Report To Congress On Alleged Russian Hacking

President Barack Obama said his administration will provide lawmakers a detailed analysis regarding allegations of Russian "efforts to interfere in our election" in addition to accusations of "malicious cyberactivity."

Congress is not currently in session and lawmakers will not return to Washington DC until after January 1, but it is expected that legislators will receive the report in a matter of days. Obama previously ordered White House teams to prepare a report on allegations of Russian interference with US elections before his term concludes on January 20.

The White House statement has arrived moments after Washington announced sanctions against five Russian organizations, including the Federal Security Service, and the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomatic officials who have just three days to exit the country.

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WNU Editor: According to the above Russian media report .... U.S. lawmakers will be given a detailed analysis regarding allegations of Russian "efforts to interfere in our election" in addition to accusations of "malicious cyberactivity." An analysis is what is driving U.S. actions .... not proof or evidence. I will withhold judgement until this report is given to Congress .... and its analysis and conclusions become public or leaked.

As for what will be the Russian reaction to today's White House expulsions and sanctions .... I expect a mass expulsion of U.S. diplomats within 24 hours, a complete shutdown in U.S. and Russian diplomatic channels, and since the White House had made it clear that they may to use cyber weapons against Russian institutions .... the Russians are going to respond in kind. To say that we are entering a very dangerous period in U.S.- Russian relations is an understatement .... we are at the precipice of a cyber war and what it entails .... and this is unknown territory for everyone.

Update: From Reuters .... New U.S. sanctions destroy diplomatic relations with Russia: Kremlin spokesman.

More On Russian Media Reaction To Today's U.S. Expulsions And Sanctions Of Russian Officials And Institutions

US expels 35 Russian diplomats, closes 2 compounds -- RT
US slaps sanctions on Russia over alleged cyberattacks -- TASS
US issues more sanctions on Russia over alleged election hacking -- RT
US declares 35 Russian diplomats persona non grata -- TASS
US Imposes Sanctions on Russia for Alleged Hacking of Election -- Sputnik
Outgoing Obama Administration Fires Off New Sanctions at Moscow Over Cyberattacks -- Moscow Times

1 comment:

  1. Team Trump does have members with contacts with high levels of Russian leadership. I do hope they are using these channels to implore the Russians to please wait until after 1/20/17 to take any action. Any actions taken by the Obama Administration will simply be undone by the next one.

    We actually have a running joke at our house. when something goes wrong the joke is a variation of "the Russians made me do it", "it must be the Russians" or something to this effect.

    While I am no fan of Russia or Mr. Putin, were I the Russians I would be beyond livid at this. There is no evidence of such hacking, even if it did exist and Russia was behind Wikileaks HRC still would have lost. Essentially Wikileaks might have made .000001% difference in the election outcome. the decision by director Comey to reopen the investigation may have made .0000000001% difference in the outcome. In other words, these things had no bearing. I think they are "red herrings" would be the correct term.

    I had debated for years are BHO and HRC pathologically insane or are they like little children in adult bodies. I think they are little children. Essentially they lost. Their bruised egos are NOT sufficient to plunge America into war with Russia which is a war it may not be able to win.

    Again, team Trump needs to implore the Russians to hold off on retaliatory measures until after 1/20/17. At which time, the adults can sit down and try and resolve these issues. Besides all of this US Intelligence agencies don't exactly have a good track record. As such, I would expect most of the incompetent boobs who write such reports to be purged anyway.

    Again, hopefully team Trump is doing whatever it can to encourage the Russians to hold off on retaliation. Change in US leadership is coming. The US does NOT want war with Russia. Mr. Trump was elected in large part to repair this vital relationship. Team Obama is undermining this for selfish petty reasons and is risking the very survival of the United States in these reckless actions.
