Sunday, December 18, 2016

Will President-Elect Trump's Foreign Policy Be Inspired By Henry Kissinger?

Niall Ferguson, American Interest: Donald Trump’s New World Order

What a Kissinger-inspired strategy might look like.

Ten days after the election of Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States, there is a more or less complete lack of certainty as to which direction his foreign policy will take, but a great deal of speculation—much of it alarmist—based on things Mr. Trump has said in speeches and interviews. Yet few if any Presidents base their foreign policy strictly on campaign rhetoric. Few if any break entirely with the policies of their predecessors. And, indeed, few if any can be said, in practice, to have anything so coherent as a foreign policy doctrine, much less a grand strategy. Experience also suggests that the foreign policy of the Trump Administration will depend a good deal on who gets the key jobs—Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense, as well as National Security Advisor—and on who wins the interdepartmental struggle that will inevitably ensue: the battle for bureaucratic priority, the fight for regular access to the President, the war of leaks to the media.

Read more ....

Update: Is Trump Pursuing a ‘Kissinger-Inspired Strategy’? (Michael Barone, NRO).

WNU Editor: The above American Interest commentary by Niall Ferguson was written before President-elect Trump had nominated his choices for Secretary of State and Secretary of Defence. It is a long read .... but in view of what has happened since it was posted last month .... and the fact that President-elect Trump went to see former Secretary of State Kissinger at his office a few weeks ago .... Trump, Kissinger meet in New York (The Hill) .... you have to wonder if Niall Ferguson is onto something.

1 comment:

  1. A stopped clock is right twice a day,

    Ferguson aspires to that one a decade.

    Might as well ask ""The Moustache of Understanding" what a Dubai imaginary taxi driver thinks.
