Friday, January 20, 2017

Is CNN 'Inciting Violence' Against President-Elect Trump?

Fury: Viewers accused CNN of treason and inciting violence after the station reported that if Trump is killed at the inauguration, an Obama-picked successor would become president

Daily Mail: Outrage at 'traitorous' CNN for 'inciting violence' with report that OBAMA cabinet member will be president if Trump and Pence are killed at the inauguration

* CNN speculated about what would happen if Trump was killed in inauguration
* It reported that an Obama-selected secretary would be sworn in as president
* They also showed scenes from a new TV show that depicts a Capitol bombing
* Furious viewers said report would 'incite violence' against the president-elect
* Some even speculated that CNN was hoping that someone would kill Trump
* Obama's choice of survivor follows pre-existing protocol in event of major attack

CNN has been accused of inciting violence against Donald Trump after the network said an Obama appointee would take over if the president-elect was killed at his inauguration.

Wednesday's startling report, titled 'Disaster could put Obama appointee in Oval Office,' speculated on what might happen if Trump, Mike Pence and the Congressional leaders were all killed during the ceremony.

During the segment they also used scenes from ABC show 'Designated Survivor', which depicts what would happen if the Capitol building - the venue for Trump's swearing in - was bombed and the Commander-in-chief killed.

The report concluded that a Democrat would take the vice-president's place in the White House in the event of such an attack, worrying some that venomous anti-Trump protesters might attempt a treasonous attack on the event.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I posted this CNN story the previous day .... Who Becomes U.S. President If Everyone Is 'Wiped Out' In A Disaster In Washington During The Inauguration (Video) (January 19, 2017). I found the article odd .... but because I enjoy "Designated Survivor" .... and the CNN story is somewhat along this line .... I posted it. Is it inciting violence? Hmmm .... I let you be the judge of it (see below).


  1. 1. They're doing the story based on the fact that Trump is possibly the most hated incoming President-Elect in recent times and this is just feeding to the masses.
    2. A deliberate attempt at a 'nudge' by pro-Obama liberals.
    3. It's a slow news day...

    Either way, can't imagine this kind of report ever surfacing if it was Hillary Clinton who won, can you?

  2. In past years I remember there always being the celebration of a peaceful transition of power. Any violence during this transition I blame on the outgoing administration which has not been seen to overtly push this concept, news media, and some famous actors. Do they not realize the utter chaos that would have resulted from the election results being over turned, or people being assasinated, etc. Anything other than promoting peaceful transition is inciting violence and civil war. Almost every election is close. Though I understand some of these people's fears. Trump was unfairly maligned by the press. He was turned into a demon in the eyes of those who watched some of these news channels, and consequently many are desperate to not see him take power. Those who consume alt media thought the same of Hillary, with her war mongering foreign policy. Let's hope some olive branches are extended by both sides and rhetoric can become reality. Because the alternative is this country devolving into something like Libya, Syria, or Ukraine. Oh what horrible irony that would be.

  3. Trump could certainly have been a better winner as well. Curious to hear the tone of his speach. The disappointing thing is presidents actions typically don't match their rhetoric. I was hopeful with Obama (first term), hopeful with Trump now. Bush ended up meeting my expectation of him, awful.

  4. There is never a slow news day.

    - There are people, so called reporters, that are lazy.

    - There are people that do not want to read statistic or data the way many professions would.
