Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Is Israel The Most Technologically Advanced Military On The Planet?

Israel is one of the world's top weapons exporters with $6.5 billion in annual arms sales. IDF

Yaakov Katz, New York Post: Why Israel has the most technologically advanced military on Earth

In 1950, just two years after the state of Israel was founded, the country’s first commercial delegation set off for South America.

Israel desperately needed trading partners. Unlike its Arab adversaries, Israel did not have natural resources to fund its economy. There was no oil or minerals. Nothing.

The delegation held a couple of meetings but was mostly met with laughs. The Israelis were trying to sell oranges, kerosene stove tops and fake teeth. For countries like Argentina, which grew its own oranges and was connected to the electrical grid, the products were pretty useless.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It is about time someone did this story. This blog has been covering Israel's advances in military technology for years .... and I have labelled it more than once to be one of those under-reported stories (probably on purpose). It looks like they are getting the attention now.


  1. Take away u.s funding, investment and knowhow are they special?
    Merkava is a case in point.

  2. Take away u.s funding, investment and knowhow are they special?
    Merkava is a case in point.

  3. Israel has more engineers and scientists per capita than Germany or Japan.

    1. Id wager the std in both those nations is higher not to mention the diversity snf exoertise of their respective industrial bases.

    2. Id wager the std in both those nations is higher not to mention the diversity snf exoertise of their respective industrial bases.

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  5. Take away Israeli know how and the US is nothing special. As it is currently, the US is nothing special. Take away Israeli support and the US becomes even less significant.

  6. I don't know who pisses me off more jay or bposter

  7. Nick,

    I'm not sure which comment I made that upsets you. In the most recent post, I pointed out that Israeli knowhow and expertise has been a huge benefit to America. This is correct. This is easily researched. Take away Israeli assistance during the Cold War and the outcome is likely different. If this was done, the US is far less "special." At present, there is nothing special about the US. Very respectfully to think there is the height of hubris and I think everyone knows or should know where hubris ultimately leads.

  8. B.poster Is growing on me he seems to no his stuff ��
