Saturday, May 27, 2017

Report: NSA Director Rogers Admits That President Trump Colluded With The Russians

FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency head Adm. Michael Rogers

John R. Schindler, Observer: Exclusive: NSA Chief Admits Donald Trump Colluded With Russia

When will Admiral Rogers say publicly what he told his agency’s workforce?

President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI director James Comey continues to reverberate in the KremlinGate scandal, which threatens to consume the Trump administration. By abruptly removing Comey, then mangling his excuses for why he did so, Trump created a needless crisis for the White House which shows no signs of abating.

The impartial observer might think that Trump fired Comey because he feared what the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of the president’s contacts with Russia might reveal—as the commander in chief has essentially admitted. Moreover, Trump’s inappropriate efforts to secure Comey’s personal “loyalty” had fallen flat—the FBI director rightly assured the president of his honesty but abjured any fealty to Trump personally—after which the president is reported to have developed a palpable fear of the incorruptible Bureau boss. To protect Team Trump, Comey had to go.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is an incredibly explosive story .... if it is true. And what is that story .... apparently John R. Schindler from the Observer was told by anonymous sources in the NSA that NSA Director Rogers had a town hall meeting with NSA employees where he told them that President Trump had colluded with the Russians. When I read that story .... I immediately did a search to find out if someone else had heard the same thing. I found nothing. There is no main stream media coverage of this story. I know that it is an opinion piece .... but John R. Schindler is a good reporter and a former intelligence officer with good contacts. Did a little digging and I found out why. The Observer is owned by President Trump's son-in-law .... Jared Kushner (see link here) Yup .... Jared Kushner's own publication is putting the knife into his father-in-law. I can't make this stuff up. No one knows that the story is out there .... because no one in the main stream media reads the Observer because they think it is all biased in favour of the Trumps. But I do know that many in the U.S. main stream media do read this blog (hint CBS, BBC, etc. as well as the editors of some very big blogs). So here is my prediction .... this will be on the news in the next 6 hours. As to whether it is true or not .... who knows.


  1. The previous story by MSM is discounted in a post longer than my Ph.D. thesis (without slides). Then the next is given a oh my goodness this guy is reputable. I am getting whip lash at how the Editor swings his posts and opinions.

    Best to hold on tight for the next post.

  2. Anon,
    I call it as I see it.
    And my opinions are always the same until the evidence says otherwise.
    And yes .... my next post at 3:00 EST is interesting (Russia's next US ambassador and what it means).
    But I am tired right now.
    I am going to bed.

  3. Just another allegation supported completely by gossip. No proof whatsoever.

  4. What is the collusion?

    1) You help get me elected and I will do something for you once I am elected.

    2) You help me get elected, I promise something and have not intention of carrying thru.

    3) Kushner, Trump & company are putting this story out there so the MSM jumps on it and have their pool number go from 32% to under 20%?

    4) Journalist being journalist?

    1 & 2 get Trump in trouble.

    3 & 4 get the MSM in trouble.

    Still no proof.

  5. Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

  6. This is actually part of Trump's initiative to catch leakers. They've been releasing false information to suspected leakers for a while now and tracking which information has been leaked

    1. Elebenty dimensional chess,.....


      Wern't the leaks suppsed to be stopped by now,.....


  7. How about the Russians insisted they give her access to her server (or did they give it to her?) This is a classic way for them to have leverage over HRC. It could have been part of the uranium deal.

  8. The only one who benefits from the Russia Trump story is HRC.

  9. The only one who benefits from the Russia Trump story is HRC.

  10. And in a weird way the pre election pro Trump Putin and RT comments would seem to be negatives against Trump or so HRC would think. Now this is disinformation.

  11. Losers always complain berry osama would of got the same if his chicken shit ass wouldnt of played the im black card so dont criticize me for eight years homo osama

    1. And the best part of this is the Deplorables, the Gullibillies, the Trumpista's, are taking maximillist positions on line,

      That if Trump goes down, will have left a long internet record of how they chose Treason over Nation, Party over Country, and were in fact, either what Russian/Soviet Intelligence calls "Useful Idiots", or actually traitors to their country.

      A democratic America will no longer be a viable home for those who laughably call themselves "Real 'Murkins", and Russia won't take them.
