Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Poll: Image Of The United States Has Collapsed Under Trump

Reuters: Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows

The image of the United States has deteriorated sharply across the globe under President Donald Trump and an overwhelming majority of people in other countries have no confidence in his ability to lead, a survey from the Pew Research Center showed.

Five months into Trump's presidency, the survey spanning 37 nations showed U.S. favorability ratings in the rest of the world slumping to 49 percent from 64 percent at the end of Barack Obama's eight years in the White House.

But the falls were far steeper in some of America's closest allies, including U.S. neighbors Mexico and Canada, and European partners like Germany and Spain.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The PEW Research poll is here .... U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership (PEW Research Global). What's my take on this poll .... when President Reagan was in the White House, his poll numbers were also in the toilet in Western Europe. That did not change anything .... and fortunately IMHO.

More News On The Latest PEW Poll On The Image Of The United States In The Eyes Of The World

People the world over have lost confidence in America to 'do the right thing' since Trump took office – except in Russia and Israel -- Daily Mail
Trump causes 'major' shift in global view of US: Pew -- BBC
Poll: US favorability in world falls under Trump -- The Hill
Poll: Little Global Confidence in President Trump on Foreign Affairs -- NBC/AP
The White House’s international credibility collapses in Trump era -- MSNBC
Study: U.S. image plummets under Trump, but hey, Russia likes us -- USA Today
Global view of US worsens under Trump, Pew says -- CNN
Three-quarters of world has little or no confidence in Trump, Pew study finds -- The Guardian
Most of the World Has Little Confidence in Donald Trump, Poll Finds -- TIME
United States' global image suffering under Donald Trump's presidency: survey -- DW


  1. Europe - or "The World" - hates America to begin with. "The World" would much rather deal with a weak, predictable, malleable USA than an unpredictable and assertive one. They prefer a USA agreeable to every outright screwing-over that we received during Obama's disastrous term.

    Of coarse "The World" preferred a self-loathing, wandering USA. The USA under Obama's incompetent, impotent leadership happily drained itself dry accommodating these elites. No more.

    I'm very pleased to see this poll. It means what Trump is doing is working.

  2. nice try, Russ...no need to comment...too much silly here to spend time

  3. Anon - you could try defending your point.

    If you have one...

  4. I understand why they hate him.He is like Orban in Hungary. They are all classic patriots that look after their own people foremost. For countries like my own for example (Sweden) this is something terrible.

    Since christianity is no longer in fashion, the politicians and mass media has long focused on feminism, white guilt complex, benifits of mass imigrarion, and extreme self contempt for whites. This has brainwashed especially the young females in the west, but also a lot of the old generation that believes what media tells them too.

    For these people Trump is antichrist, the devil, Hitler etc. It is an enormous threat and it scares the elite that maybe people are not buying their lies any more. It is also therefore so much focus now is spent by the media here in Europe to ridicule Trump because they realise that otherwise he may be the future in their own country.

    I can say if Sweden had voted in the US presidential election I think 90% would have voted for Killary. The media here hates him extremly much.

  5. Nothing here to worry about boys. Who cares what the Europeans think. They have enough problems of their own! As for our President I urge you to look at comparing him to Teddy Roosevelt. Forget the speak softly part though. We will benefit as Americans by putting the world on notice, once again, that our friendship comes with a price. It is not easy being the leader of the free world for so long.
