Thursday, August 31, 2017

China Vows To Never Allow War Or Chaos On The Korean Peninsula

© Damir Sagolj / Reuters

RT: China says it will never allow war or chaos on its doorstep as tensions escalate on Korean Peninsula

Beijing has said it will not allow war or chaos on the Korean Peninsula, as two US B-1B bombers conducted a new flight in the area, joined by South Korean and Japanese fighter jets in a show of force amid mounting tensions.
The statement was made by defense ministry spokesman Ren Guoqiang at a monthly news briefing on Thursday, Sina reports.

Six American warplanes - two nuclear-capable B-1B strategic bombers and four Marine Corps F-35Bs - held a joint flight operation with Japanese F-15 fighter jets on Thursday, Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force (ASDF) said in a statement. The squadron flew near the island of Kyushu, south of the Korean Peninsula.

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WNU editor: Chinese has been the same thing for years .... but tensions on the Korean peninsula continue to get worse. Someone should tell the Chinese that their policy is not working.


  1. Their policy is working. They want a war between north Korea and the US.obviously they won't allow occupation. But they want the war.because there is a realistic and ever increasing chance that in a war with north Korea the US could get a bloody nose. There is a real chance , maybe higher than 20%, that the norks can get a missile through. Sure, the US has defence systems, but as we all know they are not reliable against one and almost guaranteed to be overwhelmed by more than a handful of missiles. Especially in the fog of war. And the Chinese will profit in the range of trillions in that case.trillions. Chinese century all but guaranteed.This is about setting expectations. The Chinese are saying they won't help. Big surprise there. But they are also making it clear from the beginning that they won't allow occupation.That's their real red line and I would not recommend testing them on that. So to recap: they are all for a fight between them, because unless the US manages to occupy, this will be a losing long term scenario.So this is all about making it a win or yourself, with a good chance of a bloodied nose for the Americans, and a decent chance for the long desired Chinese century, as long as they can keep the north unoccupied. If the US manages to do this, China would be dealt a significant blow and the current trend in APAC might be slowed down enough to see the Chinese population age(and spending increase) to see this kind of red hot rise.

    1. The last thing China wants is to be ringed with (hostile) missile defense systems, which is coming in the near future, all in the name of North Korea.

  2. If I were China I would invade N. Korea and install a pliable puppet government while I had the chance. Otherwise someone else might do it. The Chinese won't do it though, they are too cautious. Empires are built on risk taking, something the Chinese are adverse to.

  3. Unknown. "Never go full retard". Look it up.

  4. I'm waiting for the North to blow up some of their own installations and blame it on the U.S.

    Then they can use their "restraint" in retaliating to show that they are actually the good guys, turn that implicit Chinese support into explicit support, and put the U.S. into quite a pickle on how to actually respond in the future...

  5. It might be time to take out their next missile. Try...

  6. North Korea fires a nuclear tipped missile that actually goes off and Pyongyang won't be the only thing glowing.

    If a West coast city gets hit, some one talk about keeping a stiff upper lip. They might say it and if they say it on a public street during a demonstration, law enforcement might not be fast enough.

  7. "If I were China I would invade N. Korea and install a pliable puppet government while I had the chance. Otherwise someone else might do it. "

    Sounds good.

    "The Chinese won't do it though, they are too cautious. Empires are built on risk taking, something the Chinese are adverse to."

    The Chinese absolutely would do it, if it were early in the dynasty. By the 3rd generation the mandarins have the rulers so brainwashed, they cannot wield a sword.

    It happened with the Ming Dynasty and the preceding and succeeding ones.

  8. That would make sense, and the West probably wouldn't object. It wouldn't change the balance of power at all, it would just create some stability. However, the Chinese will face the same problem the Americans and South Koreans have, North Korea can fire nuclear missiles Southwest just as easy as they can fire them to the south or east. I doubt that China would View 100 million dead Chinese civilians and ten thousand year no go zones, as a victory.
