Friday, August 4, 2017

Does President Trump Have A Point On Russian Sanctions?

President Trump shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)

David Ignatius, Washington Post: On Russia sanctions, Trump has a point

When all right-thinking people in the nation’s capital seem to agree on something — as has been the case recently with legislation imposing new sanctions on Russia — that may be a warning that the debate has veered into an unthinking herd mentality.

Sanctions were already an overused tool of foreign policy before President Trump this week peevishly signed into law a measure imposing new penalties on Russia, Iran and North Korea. The House had passed the legislation last week 419 to 3; the Senate voted 98 to 2. That’s the congressional version of a stampede. Congress also gave itself the power to review any presidential attempt to undo the Russia sanctions specifically.

Trump appended a signing statement arguing that the legislation was “seriously flawed” because it “improperly encroaches on executive power.” It’s heretical to say so, but he may be right. This legislation limits presidential flexibility at the very time it may be most needed to conduct delicate negotiations with these adversaries.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I always find it interesting reading a commentary from someone who is not a fan of President Trump, but acknowledges that he may be right. This is one of those posts.


fred said...

The writer and Trump may both be right but the reason Congress seems to have stepped in is because Trump and the Russian connection grows consistently and Trump's own party no longer fully trusts him.

War News Updates Editor said...

Fred, when did the Republican establishment ever trust Trump?

Anonymous said...

you hit the nail on the head WNU. the establishment "republicans" have been going out of their way to sabotage Trump's agenda

fred said...

The elected congress and senate GOP said nothing about any of the nutty things Trump has been doing. They have supported him if only to get their agenda in place. How many have thus far said a bad word in public about his behavior etc.? cite examples.

To say the have been against him is merely a way of saying Trump Good, all others bad
Mitch? Ryan? when have they earlier than where we are at now stood in his way?

Jay Farquharson said...

The Senate's scheduled pro forma hearings during the recess.

Theses are hearings where a few Senator's show up, exchange smalltalk, then go home.

This mean's the Senate is never "out of session" for 10 days in a row, during the recess,

And is only done, so the President can't make recess appointments.

fred said...


D.Plowman said...

WNU Editor: I always find it interesting reading a commentary from someone who is not a fan of President Trump, but acknowledges that he may be right. This is one of those posts.

/- When are we going to read commentary from someone who is a fan of Trump, but acknowledges that he may be wrong? :P

War News Updates Editor said...

Good point D. Plowman. It is one of the reasons why I posted the Ramirez cartoon at 00:00 Est. Ramirez is a supporter of Trump, but it does not stop him from doing a cartoon that one will have trouble denying.

War News Updates Editor said...

Here is a list of Republicans who voted for Hillary Clinton or decided to not vote for Trump. Hint. It's along list.

Conservative media has always been hostile towards Trump. Weekly Standard and NRO being two outlets that come to mind.

War News Updates Editor said...

Ooopppsss. I forgot the link.

War News Updates Editor said...

The Daily Beast article is a continuation of articles that pop-up every few weeks that the GOP is finally turning on Trump. Case in point .... GOP lawmakers may be turning on Trump (New York Post, May 17, 2017).

Jay Farquharson said...

The GOP's not "turning" on Hair Furour,

But they are obstructing him on Russia and Foreign Policy,

They think they can still use his robo signing skills on their Tax Cuts For Billionaires Program,

Meanwhile, they've gone home for recess, most using Police protection to avoid angry Constituents who's ACA they tried to take away,

Other than the Liberty Caucus, they are also in hiding from death threats from the Gullibillies, the Deplorables and alt-Reich,

While Collins and Murkwski returned to Maine and Alaska to a hero's welcome.