Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Washington Is Awash With Russian Money

WNU Editor: In the past year I have mentioned a few times about Russian money in New York City, and how it plays a big role in financing real-estate projects .... including (and I would not be surprised) projects that probably involved President Trump. Is that illegal .... no ... as long as New York laws and rules are followed. But that is New York City. In Washington  .... the story is very different .... and after today's events the public is now quickly learning how lobbyists like Paul Manafort and Tony Podesta made their money while promoting Russian-Ukrainian and Russian interests in Washington. But what is really freaking out everyone .... and justifiably so .... is how well paid they were to do just that. The sad fact is that Washington is awash with Russian money .... and as we learned when the Clinton Foundation got $145 million in cash as a "donation" .... everyone's hand is in it. But as bad as this Russian money is .... and it is bad .....the Russians are not the only ones who have money in Washington .... you can add a whole bunch of other countries .... and China is on the top of my list. As for the Mueller Commission .... I could be wrong (and I hope that I am not) but I think this is what Robert Mueller wants to do .... to expose how lobbyists that are employed by foreign governments  work in Washington .... and to prosecute those who break the law. This is not Russian-election collusion .... this is something far more deeper .... this is how people are bought in Washington .... and this is how this city works. 


  1. Yup.that's why I also said that everyone in Washington knew about Manafort and Russian dealings in Washington - everyone knows it, many are doing it(hey Fred, remember yesterday when you said I wouldn't know? :) This is the swamp. And in many cases it's legal.

  2. WNU: I appreciate your comment as usual.

  3. WNU,

    Then why so many Hillary Lawyers on Mueller's payroll?

    Maybe he is playing a double game. He hires Democrat Lawyers, so the Dems think they are safe. I highly doubt it though. I could be wrong.
