Sunday, December 31, 2017

The 5 Big National Security Challenges of 2018

Daniel R. DePetris, National Interest: Peace, War or Chaos?: The 5 Big National Security Challenges of 2018

Will North Korea conduct an atmospheric test? Will the frozen conflict in Ukraine turn hot? Daniel DePetris makes his predictions for 2018.

If, before Election Day 2016, you predicted Donald Trump would win the presidency, that a special counsel would be appointed to investigate potential collusion between Trump campaign officials and the Kremlin, and the U.S. military would take military action against the Syrian government, there’s a good chance that your family or friends would call you crazy. If you happened to add that provocateur Marine Le Pen would qualify for the French presidential runoff and that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un would threaten to bombard the U.S. territory of Guam, your loved ones might have tried to arrange an appointment with a psychologist.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Trump firing Gen. John Nicholson is not going to happen .... being reassigned .... yes. Fired .... no. As for North Korea detonating a nuclear device in the Pacific .... if that happens, one can only imagine the outcry.


  1. About the french point, Emmanuel MACRON as French president was the greatest surprise. More than Marine LE PEN qualification...

  2. It is best way to grab the attention of the audience and this is a very good point that you have raised through your blog and now a days security is the most important point for any one and now a days technology is bringing new things and by this ways you can secure any things you want.
