Thursday, February 8, 2018

Are We On The Cusp Of An 'Artificial Intelligence' War Between The U.S. And China?

Matthew Bey, RCD/Stratfor: The Coming Tech War With China


* China's growing technological prowess will be a source of increasing worry for the United States.
* Artificial intelligence will be a critical area of competition between the two countries because it has applications in military as well as civilian life — and will likely revolutionize both.
* Because of China's sheer size, its tech sector could give Silicon Valley a run for its money in terms of market share if it even comes close to producing the same technologies.

The United States is already in the middle of its next great war — even if it's only just starting to realize it. In the latest National Security Strategy, the White House highlighted China's growing technological prowess as a threat to U.S. economic and military might. The Asian powerhouse has taken on a leading role in several critical emerging technologies. Five years ago, by contrast, it was widely perceived as an imitator in technology, not an innovator.

As hard as it may be for Washington to admit, China is catching up in the tech race. The question now is whether tech firms in the United States, a country that embraces private enterprise and a free economy, will be able to keep up with their Chinese counterparts' breakthroughs.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: China appears to be making great strides in this area .... China’s Fourth Industrial Revolution: Artificial Intelligence (Levi Maxey, Cipher Brief)


  1. Yes for all of that. That said, that's not the first time it happens. Before WWI and WWII America was not a leader on military technology.
    The difference between a dictatorship and a democracy is the speed of reaction with a problem, no matter what it is.
    China steal a lot of technology from USA and help them to catch up very quickly, but as every time, when you have to discover by yourself, the road is a lot more difficult.

  2. I agree jac, the Chinese people are taught to follow not create new things.You can never lead if you always copy.

  3. Jac and Jeff,

    This is a good point. I've noticed this too. The Chinese can copy and they csn nass produce things. Can they actually create? The proverbial jury is still out on that.

    Why do we create while they mostly copy? It's obviously a different culture but I don't think it's as simple as "democracy" and "dictatorship." When American leaders speak of "democracy," they are hypocrites. These are the same people who are engaging in a de facto coup against a duly elected President. This hypocrisy is not limited ti American leaders. Many elites are actively trying to undo BREXIT. To h!ll with the will of the people or "democracy." These are tyrants/despots.

