Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis: ‘If You Threaten Us, It Will Be Your Longest and Worst Day’

Washington Free Beacon: Mattis: ‘If You Threaten Us, It Will Be Your Longest and Worst Day’

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Tuesday delivered a stern warning to any country or non-state actor that might threaten the United States.

"Those who would threaten America's experiment in democracy must know if you threaten us, it will be your longest and worst day," Mattis told the House Armed Services Committee in congressional testimony.

Mattis was on Capitol Hill to brief lawmakers on the Trump administration's recently released National Defense Strategy and Nuclear Posture Review. The Pentagon chief said that his priority is to make the military more lethal, but warned about the dangers that the U.S. faces without a House budget proposal that includes full funding for the Department of Defense for the next fiscal year.

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WNU Editor: Always blunt.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately and I hate to say it, all bark no bite. No one is taking him seriously, certainly not any foreign power. "Mad dog" reminds me of a friend's now deceased 17 year old Chihuahua. This dog was blind, virtually deaf, crippled, and had no teeth (the dog could only eat liquefied food) but MAN COULD THAT DOG BARK!! This is an apt description of "mad dog." All bark no bite, essentially a funny joke to foreign powers and a sick one to Americans.

    Sadly, at this point, in regards to foreign policy team Trump has disappointed. It still could be corrected but at some point the major world powers will run out of patience with us. On the upside, not electing HRC probably did buy us some proverbial time to get this right but this time is rapidly running out.
