Wednesday, February 7, 2018

FBI Text Messages Reveal That President Obama Wanted To Know 'Everything' About The Clinton Email Investigation

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (L) listens to President Barack Obama speak during a meeting with members of his Cabinet at the White House in Washington, Nov. 28, 2012. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarqu

FOX News: FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."

The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This new information contradicts the message that the Obama White House was claiming at the time .... Obama White House denied interference in FBI probe of Hillary Clinton, contrary to agent’s message (Washington Times).

Update: President Trump has responded .... Trump: Newly released FBI texts are 'bombshells' (The Hill)

Update #2: Who is right? These FBI agents or President Obama? This could be a problem. As to what is my take .... I am not surprised. The priority has always been to protect President Obama's  legacy and to keep him away from any legal problems. Nothing illegal about that .... unless President Obama or his subordinates directly told/ordered the FBI that this Clinton investigation was going to go nowhere. Either way .... the optics are terrible.

More News On FBI Text Messages Revealing That President Obama Wanted To Know 'Everything' About The Clinton Email Investigation

New texts between FBI’s Strzok, Page show Obama wanted updates on Clinton investigation -- Washington Times
FBI agent's text suggests Obama wanted to 'know everything' the bureau was doing -- Business Insider
Peter Strzok text: Obama 'wants to know everything' about Hillary Clinton probe -- Washington Examiner
FBI Agents at Center of Trump, Clinton Investigations: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing' -- The Epoch Times


  1. If you want to go down the Qanon rabbit hole. Click on the blue numbered text to see the boards analysis of each posting. Here are the postings. Also a lot of talk on twitter and youtube. Has been ahead of the game with a lot of the posts.

  2. "There is just one problem: The entire Fox News story is a fraud.

    It’s simply not a plausible interpretation of the September 2, 2016 text exchange that Obama was seeking a briefing on the Clinton email investigation.

    FBI Director James Comey closed the Clinton email investigation on July 5, 2016. It was not reopened until October. The same trove of text messages released Tuesday reveals that the FBI did not even become aware of additional emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop until September 28, 2016.

    Fox News suggests the texts were referring to talking points regarding the Clinton email case. But those talking points, according to documents released by the Senate, were completed in June. That makes sense because they were prepared in advance of Comey’s announcement.

    So what was Obama interested in? Most likely, he wanted information about the counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign’s contacts with Russia, which was active on September 2, 2016. Obama has publicly said that he confronted Putin about election interference a few days later at the Group of 20 meeting in China, telling the Russian leader to “cut it out.”


    Trumps tweeting in all caps, and Ron "Secret Society" Johnson's all over it.

  3. We know that the On July 7, 2016, the State Department reopened its probe into the email controversy. True .... it has nothing to do with the FBI, but someone felt that this had to be done.

    On October 28, 2016, Comey notified Congress that the FBI had started looking into newly discovered emails that may be pertinent to the case. OK .... but I would think that before he made that announcement that there must have been a preliminary investigation. Did that happen a week, month, two months ago .... there is no clarity on that date that I have read so far.

    Personally .... I think President Obama just wanted to know what was happening overall .... and these FBI agents definitely got that impression and probably acted on it. I know I would.

  4. "Text messages from 2016 show preparations to brief Barack Obama about Russia’s interference in that year’s election, according to associates of the FBI employees involved in the exchange, not, as a Republican senator suggested, meddling by the then-president in the federal Hillary Clinton email investigation."


