Sunday, February 4, 2018

German Intelligence Chief: North Korea’s Berlin Embassy Used To Acquire Nuclear And Weapons Tech

Outside the compound of the North Korean Embassy in Berlin late last year. (Reuters)

DW: North Korea used Berlin embassy to acquire nuclear tech: German spy chief

The head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency has said North Korea used its Berlin embassy to acquire high-tech equipment. The agency believes the tech was used for Pyongyang's missile and nuclear programs.

North Korea procured equipment and technology for its ballistics missiles program using its embassy in Berlin, the head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency has said.

"We determined that procurement activities were taking place there, from our perspective with an eye on the missile program, as well as the nuclear program to some extent," BfV head Hans-Georg Maassen told public broadcaster NDR in an interview.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Germans have two choices .... close down the embassy, or expel much of the North Korean staff. From what I have read so far, they have done neither.

More News On Germany's Intelligence Chief Warning That North Korea’s Berlin Embassy Is Being Used To Acquire Nuclear And Weapons Tech

German spy chief alleges North Korea uses Berlin embassy for procurement -- Reuters
North Korea 'uses Berlin embassy to get missile parts' -- BBC
North Korea’s Berlin embassy used to acquire nuclear tech, says spy chief -- The Guardian/AFP
North Korea uses embassy in Berlin to secretly shop for weapons program, German intel chief claims -- FOX News
German spy chief: North Korea uses Berlin embassy for missile procurement --
North Korea's Berlin embassy used to acquire nuclear technology, spy chief says -- International Business Times


  1. " The Germans have two choices .... close down the embassy, or expel much of the North Korean staff. From what I have read so far, they have done neither."

    The Merkel is a touch cookie.

    She is cruel to the kind and kind to the cruel.

    She is so against her people out of stupidity or liberal dogma (same thing) that Putin notice what a wretched poor leader she was.

    That is why Putin insulted her by playing on her fears and bring a large dog to a meeting between them.

    Very little good can be said of Merkel or how she runs the country.

  2. Figures like Merkel, Hillary, Trudeau etc are leading the way toward the demise of Western Civilization, all to get a few more votes for an evil and fallacious political philosophy. But true socialism and communism has never been effectively implemented, and the human variable can be tamed for the eventual utopia -
    apparently. Sad shit. The gap between left and right keeps getting wider, and both sides are primed for a larger reactionary movement that is sure to cause factionalism and internal warfare throughout western civilization. The left is overtly doing this already with highly active ANTIFA, BLM etc terrorist movements, and the right has many sleeping groups that have not been comparatively *violently active for decades. Hope things will settle down after this Trump BS, but the left is far more violently reactionary at this point, and this will likely cause a response from the right. Yes, it is all about left and right with the current arrangement.

  3. " But true socialism and communism has never been effectively implemented, and the human variable can be tamed for the eventual utopia "

    You sure that you wanted to say that?

    I am positive based on field studies that Communism works for groups up to 150 individuals and then it runs into a psychological roadblock.

    Socialism might work for 5 or 7 decades or more, but that experiment is ending. The Left ended it by going with the tossed salad theory of a nations and culture. The Swedish are most definitely ending their Fatherland socialism.

    What groups on the right are you talking about? The Red Shirts, KKK or something else. Those were Democrat groups.

    Myself I can stand some more Trump BS as you call it. The bonuses have been very good. The unemployment rate is very low. It needs to go lower.

    I don't care if those jobs are $7.50 hamburger flipping jobs. Yeah, I said it. That is your cue to be triggered, get all indignant and demand a safe space.

    Once unemployment gets below 3% across the board, employers are going to be bidding for the hamburger flippers and the flip[per employers will have to pay more, automate, or reorganize to do with less low paying labor.

    In a world with the internet and the near frictionless flow of information (that is so important to economists & physicists) near zero percent unemployment is achievable.

    For 3 decades supposedly educated tards knowingly told each other and reporters that "Ya know 5% unemploymewnt is the best we can do."

    Trump BS...Yeah. right. All those companies saying they will build factories in the U.S.
    that loser Obama, who was socially promoted though high school and college, said those factories (& jobs) were not coming back.

  4. First, yes I am sure that I wanted to say that. The single family unit is by definition a socialist construct.

    Second, field studies and apologetics for their eventual failures of socialism/communism aside - socialism is an evil political philosophy for an endless list of reasons, one big one being that you get to use government compulsion at the point of gun to steal peoples labor from them. The philosophy is evil through and through and only people who don't understand economics or human nature, and like to masturbate to feel good idealism advocate such a modus.

    Third, KKK, Neo nazi etc groups were originally democrat groups, yes, but through the gradual evolution of the two party platforms and very specific other changes, they are now closely associated with the republican party; though most members of that political party rightly disown these folks.

    Fourth, of course the "5% is healthy unemployment" garbage is just that. The lower the better for the most part, obviously. That assertion is based on the employment fluctuations that take place during the business cycle, time of year etc. that are considered to be acceptable with consideration to that fluctuation in the confines of that model.

    Fifth, when I said "Trump BS", causally I was implying the leftist reaction to his election and them constantly shooting themselves in the foot with attempts at identity politics, preaching social justice garbage etc that is creating a divisive and even worse political environment and dysfunctional civil society. I am more impressed and happy with his election with each passing day, even though I thought that I wouldn't be initially. Your presuppositious nature and bad deductive reasoning triggered yourself, not me, Mr. Smith. Take a seat. Breath air from outside your dwellings. I heard going for a walk outside 30 minutes a day can increase your life by 10 years. *No citations needed.

  5. The field studies that I mention have to do with Hutterite or Mennonite groups that are communist & Christian.

    When such a group gets larger than 150+, they fission

    Sociologist or whoever were intrigued. They theory is that any one person can keep track of the doings of 150 people. So if you are in a group no larger than that people can police themselves and there is no loafing on the back of other people.

    Socialism worked to an extent in the Nordic countries, when they were a more homogeneous culture. No that they are not and in 10 years they will be 30% Muslim, the wheels will come off that car.

    Even at that socialism did not work so well that they did not have to cut back on welfare in the 70s or 80s.

    " But true socialism and communism has never been effectively implemented, and the human variable can be tamed for the eventual utopia "

    I'll repeat the question. You sure that you wanted to say that?

    There appears to be a 'not' missing after 'can'.

  6. "Third, KKK, Neo nazi etc groups were originally democrat groups, yes, but through the gradual evolution of the two party platforms and very specific other changes, they are now closely associated with the republican part"

    Really? 20% top 80% of all 3,000 KKK might vote for Republican candidates?

    50,000 Nation of Islam (NOI) members vote Democrat. Further we have proof that the Democrat Party is joined at the hip with NOI. We have the Obama -Louis Farakhan picture among many other things.

    Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL.

    You want to tar and feather the Republican party again?

    Now Neo Nazis are another thing and they tend to be more diverse. They are like babies, an incoherent bunch of wants, needs, emotions and sh*t. They do not know what they want. They arelike a fart ricocheting in a hot skillet.

    Neo Nazis are not Republicans either.

    Besides NOI the Democrats are affiliated without the slightest embarrassment with many other racist and violent groups.

  7. Mr. Smith,

    People always cite the Nordic countries as a prime example of a "could be" example favoring socialism. First, they are mostly democratic sovereigns engaging in social welfare and redistribution, and have a ton of extra spending money because they don't really have a defense budget and do not even contribute their 2% GDP to NATO required for membership. The US carries all the weight, and always has. This leaves room for a VAST array of secondary options that they can spend money on. The defense budget has historically always been one of a country's biggest expenses, and the Nordic Countries do not really need to worry about one. I am aware the socialism works best as it applies itself on a small scale within a family unit, or even in some facets in a cohesive homogenous culture. The problems occur when it grabs outside those confines and destroys everything resultantly. Tragedy of the Commons occurs when peoples direct familiarity with one another begins to diminish. Oh, and the whole " But true socialism and communism has never been effectively implemented, and the human variable can be tamed for the eventual utopia " was me mocking the favoring position and not my own opinion. C'mon man.

  8. I am done arguing with your Smith. Your emotionally charged presuppositions, bad deductive and disjunctive reasoning, inclination toward being triggered by anything you perceive (not know) as being an attack is treated like one and its just obnoxious to deal with. Take a breath and stop thinking everything is an attack against you and accusing people of saying something without taking the time to know whats actually being said. If elaboration and articulation are needed, ask.

  9. "and the human variable can be tamed for the eventual utopia "

    So you meant to say that?

  10. Wnu.think.
    Why on earth would you close it down? It's a source of Intel. As demonstrated. You don't close down Intel sources
