Friday, February 2, 2018

Is Special Counsel Robert Mueller Preparing To Indict President Trump?

Robert Mueller. Aaron Bernstein / Reuters

Darren Samuelsohn, Politico: Russia probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

Many legal scholars doubt a U.S. vs. Trump case is possible, but two attorneys who have dealt with special counsel Robert Mueller's team disagree. One expects Mueller to move as early as this spring.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation has gathered enough steam that some lawyers representing key Donald Trump associates are considering the possibility of a historic first: an indictment against a sitting president.

While many legal experts contend that Mueller lacks the standing to bring criminal charges against Trump, at least two attorneys working with clients swept up in the Russia probe told POLITICO they consider it possible that Mueller could indict the president for obstruction of justice.

Neither attorney claimed to have specific knowledge of Mueller’s plans. Both based their opinions on their understanding of the law; one also cited his interactions with the special counsel’s team, whose interviews have recently examined whether Trump tried to derail the probe into his campaign’s Russia ties.

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WNU Editor: On the day that we have a memo that is critical on how the Justice Department obtained a FISA warrant to investigate Russian collusion with the Trump campaign .... we have this report from the Politico on growing speculation that Robert Mueller is going to indict President Trump .... and the charge will be obstruction of justice. No sitting President has ever been indicted .... will President Trump be the first? I personally doubt it. In fact .... the argument can now be made that we now know that the upper echelons of the Justice Department and the FBI were politicized in their opposition to President Trump, and President Trump was within his rights to have them removed. Either way .... for Robert Mueller to proceed with his investigation, he must be very sure on the evidence that he has accumulated, and be comfortable in his final report that the conclusions that he has reached can stand-up in a court of law. And while he and his team will be focused on the Paul Manafort/Bill Gates case in the coming months .... I give him till the end of spring to produce his final report on this investigation, or at least a preliminary report on where they are going.


  1. "... I personally doubt it"

    What does Trump hav e going for him?

    The truth!

    Wait that doesn't count.

    The Left will disregard truth.

    What Trump has going for him is that he will fight and fight hard. Mewller can see this from the release of the FBI memo.

    That is about the only reason that Mewller wopuld not go after Trump.

  2. Sometime people confuse dream and reality.

  3. Jac,

    You are so right. Sometimes people do confuse dreams and reality. I think all of us are vulnerable to this on some level and anyone who thinks they aren't is deluding themselves.

  4. Remember the President can pardon anyone for any reason. That said, he can be impeached. Impeachment is a political act. If the House refers charges to the Senate... That's why the Dean's want control of the House.

  5. "Sometimes people do confuse dreams and reality." and sometimes people lack any sense of irony or self-awareness. Like when Aiz says pfc. Bonespur has the truth on his side.

    Keep up the bad work, rubes. MAGA is almost here!

  6. "Essentially what he told me was they had other intelligence about this matter from an internal Trump campaign source and that -- that they -- my understanding was that they believed Chris at this point -- that they believed Chris's information might be credible because they had other intelligence that indicated the same thing and one of those pieces of intelligence was a human source from inside the Trump organization"


  8. This may be a hint: General Lynn's sentencing has been delayed (a day or two ago). The special council originated the delay.... hmmmm....

  9. The memo is truth of collusion by Comey, Obama administration officials, Hillary campaign and others.

    Soon Jay, cowardly Anon and others will need to resort to point spreads.
