Thursday, February 1, 2018

Russian Ambassador: North Korea Would See A Blanket Ban Of Oil Supplies As A Declaration Of War

In this photo taken on July 21, 2017, a petrol station worker walks past a fuel truck in Pyongyang. Sanctions are reducing the amount of oil North Korea can import. (AFP PHOTO / Ed Jones)

RT: N. Korea would see blanket ban of oil supplies as declaration of war – Russian envoy

Imposing a total ban on oil exports to North Korea would mean a full blockade and will be considered as a declaration of war by Pyongyang, Russia's ambassador to North Korea has cautioned.

The UN Security Council (UNSC) unanimously approved a new round of sanctions on the North in December last year, slashing the country’s oil and petroleum imports. The move was in response to Pyongyang's latest ballistic missile test launch.

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More News On Russian Reports That North Korea Would See A Blanket Ban Of Oil Supplies As A Declaration Of War

Russia warns totally cutting oil supplies to North Korea would be seen by Pyongyang as act of war -- South China Morning Post
Russia Warns Against Cutting North Korea’s Oil Supply -- VOA
North Korea will declare WAR on US if Donald Trump imposes further sanctions, Russia warns -- Express
Russia Warns Against Cutting Off North Korea's Oil --


  1. Re: The above photo
    That truck is empty.

  2. They see everything as a,declaration of war, blah blah Kim

  3. Haha, I have lost count on how many times they have declared an act of war against them. The most hilarious has to be when that film "The Interview" was an act of war.
