Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Media Tries To Defend The Author Of The Russian Dossier

Christopher Steele, CBS

John Sipher, Politico: The Smearing of Christopher Steele

A former British intelligence officer provided information to the FBI because it alarmed him. Given the way he’s been treated, future tipsters will be less likely to come forward.

In his effort to malign the U.S. Justice system and confuse the American people in a hail-Mary attempt to protect President Donald Trump, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes seems to also have confused himself.

As we now know, the intent of Nunes’ memo was to suggest that the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign was undertaken on false premises. It alleges that the FBI abused its surveillance authority by issuing a warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page by basing its rationale on the controversial Steele dossier. It implies that the British intelligence officer behind that memo, former MI-6 operative Christopher Steele, and those who supported the warrant were biased against then-candidate Trump, and that the FBI and Justice Department purposely withheld that information—and the Democratic funding behind the dossier—in an attempt to gain the warrant.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Wow .... the U.S. media is still circling the wagons on this guy and his unverified Russia-Trump dossier. It has now been over a year since this memo made the news when BuzzFeed publicized it .... and to this day all that we know is that the Clinton campaign paid for it, and that some of Hillary Clinton's supporters fed Christopher Steele some of his intel as well as some of his third party sources overseas .... Dossier author Steele wrote another anti-Trump memo; was fed info by Clinton-connected contact, Obama State Department (Washington Examiner). Smearing him?!?!?! He has done a very good job by himself in doing this.


  1. "He has done a very good job by himself in doing just that." Before I read your editor comment this was my thoughts exactly. As I understand it, he was "desperate" not to see Trump elected.

    Hardly a day goes by that the US is not lectured on the need to stay out of the internal affairs of other countries. Often times the criticism is justified. This would be sound advice for Mr. Steele and other Britons. STAY OUT OF AMERICA'S INTERNAL AFFAIRS!! Of course with constant meddling in our affairs it would seem no surprise that there is blowback in some cases with America intervening in the affairs of others.

    Unfortunately some have chosen to invent a phantom Russian "boogey man" while ignoring the real meddlers. I recall some reports that the Ukrainian chump government was supporting team Clinton. Perhaps that is not accurate but shouldn't we be even handed and investigate the Ukrainian chump government and team Clinton for "collusion." In the meantime, good people are being harmed immeasurably by this witch hunt/attempted coup against a duly elected president.


  3. See how much press this doesn't get...


  4. Anon. I read the report early today. I was debating on should I post it or not. You just convinced me that I should. It will be up later tonight.
