Thursday, February 8, 2018

U.S. Accused Of Killing More Than 100 Russian And Syrian-Backed Fighters In A 3-Hour Military Blitz In Deir al-Zour Province

BBC: Syria war: Assad's government accuses US of massacre

Syria has accused the US of carrying out a "brutal massacre" with a bombing attack in Deir al-Zour province.

The overnight air strikes killed an estimated 100 pro-government fighters near the Euphrates river, according to the US.

The Syrian foreign ministry said it had written to the United Nations, demanding international condemnation.

The US claimed a right to self-defence, saying it was responding to an attack on allied Kurdish and Arab fighters.

It happened in the Middle Euphrates Valley, which serves as an informal demarcation line in eastern Syria. The government controls the western side and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) the east.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Perplexing is an understatement .... Mattis Calls Attack in Syria on U.S.-Backed Forces 'Perplexing' (Reuters)

More News On The U.S. Being Accused Of Killing More Than 100 Russian And Syrian-Backed Fighters In A 3-Hour Military Blitz In Deir al-Zour Province

The Latest: Russia denounces US coalition airstrike at UN -- AP
Forces hit by U.S. in Syria included Russian mercenaries, official says -- CBS/AP
The US reportedly killed more than 100 Russian and Syrian-backed fighters in a 3-hour military blitz -- Business Insider
Rare US strike on pro-government forces kills scores of fighters -- Los Angeles Times
U.S.-led coalition, pro-Assad forces clash in east Syria -- Reuters
US-led coalition in Syria attacks pro-Assad fighters, 100 dead -- DW
US Airstrikes Hit Pro-Syrian Fighters After 'Unprovoked Attack' -- VOA
Russian contractors may have been part of attack on US coalition members in Syria: CNN -- The Hill
US-led air raids in Syria 'kill 100 pro-Assad fighters' -- Al Jazeera
US Claims Right To Self-Defense In Syria, Not Looking For Conflict With Assad Forces -- Radio Free Europe
US and allies committed 'war crime' by bombing around 100 pro-Assad troops, Syrian government tells UN -- South China Morning
US Attack on Assad Allies in Syria Was 'Unprecedented Act of Aggression,' Russia Senator Says -- Newsweek
Moscow Raises Questions About US Attack Against Pro-Damascus Forces in Syria -- Sputnik
Russian Foreign Ministry calls for looking into US-led coalition’s attack in Syria -- TASS


  1. If I was Erdogan I would be sweating. Things are not going well and he needs help, help that I doubt he will get.

  2. Would the USA do the same to Turkish troops heading for Manbij?
    I suspect these Syrian forces were suckered into attempting to take some ground in Deir al-Zour by the US. The intent being to make an example of them for the Turks to ponder.

  3. Expect reprisals against American forces and American targets of equal if not greater intensity and this was/is something we did not need.

  4. According to both Syrian and SFA sources, local tribals allied to the US and the YPG had worked out an agreement for the Wagner Group, ( Russian PMC's) and the SDG, to take control of 3 oil wellheads that they controlled, but were non-functional and are connected to interior Syrian domestic pipelines.

    Wagner get's 25% of the revinues from every oil and gas well head they either "capture" and get functioning, or the SDG or SAA "capture" and Wagner get's funtioning. Then Wagner works with the local SDG or "tribals" to protect the well heads.

    Look's like this "win-win" was a sucker trap. The SFA/YPG pulled back, (!1 apparently wounded), Wagner and the SPG moved in, airstrikes, over 100 dead including Russians, 5 tanks destroyed along with other vehicles.

    There will be "payback".

  5. Bet they don't try that again. I call it a big line in the sand and sorry b poster but it is a warning to Russia too. I a confrontation with the United States their Syria n assets would last about a hour.

  6. Jeff,

    You say "sorty B.Poster as though I want this to happen. I do not. This is something we didn't need.

    Very respectfully your assessment that Russia's assets will only last an hour is overly optimistic. While we could win, it would be a tough fight and I will reiterate we didn't need it. As retired col Ralph Peters admitted the Russians have capabilities we lack.

  7. To read the headline implies US backed forces attacked first. To read the article implies US backed forces were attacked and were defending themselves. "Perplexing" is a good description of this situation.

    The idea that Syrian forces were lured into a trap seems unlikely as there's nothing in their past to indicate that Us military or civilian leadership is this clever. Perhaps someone got overconfident, went in unprepared, got the military equivalent of a bloody nose, and now they are trying some desparate spin.

    Regardless of how this went down there will be reprisals against US and US backed forces. It didn't need to happen. The US never should have been there in the first place. Had the US not been where we shouldn't have been, no reprisals either.


      Dier er Zor, both the city, ( Kurdish, Alwite, Christian, Sunni) and the SAAF airbase have been surrounded and isolated, and under seige for two years by ISIS. Both the city and the airbase have been supplied by air drops by the SAAF, and once Russia arrives, not only do supplies increase beyond starvation levels, but reinforcements arrive.

      At the same time that the SAA Tiger Force starts an offensive to clear a ground based supply line to Dier ez Zor, Syrian commando's and SDF reinforcements stage a thrust out of their half of the city and the airbase, to clear the other half of the city from ISIS fighters, but also seize the overlook positions in the heights surrounding the city, to further secure the airbase.

      Both the Russians and the Syrians kept the US apprised of their progress through the Deconfliction Center.

      "Accdental" US "precision" airstrikes decimated the SAA and SDF positions on the heights, at the same time ISIS "coincidentally" launched a massive new assault, resulting in the SAA and SDF being driven back to their previous positions.

      Half of Dier ez Zor and the Airbase remained under seige until Tiger Force, backed by Russian Pantsir air defences, broke the seige.
