Thursday, February 1, 2018

Will FBI Director Christopher Wray Resign If The Nunes Memo Is Release?

CNN: White House worried FBI director could quit over Nunes memo release

Washington (CNN)Top White House aides are worried FBI Director Christopher Wray could quit if the highly controversial Republican memo alleging the FBI abused its surveillance tools is released, multiple sources with knowledge of the situation tell CNN.

Wray has made clear he is frustrated that President Donald Trump picked him to lead the FBI after he fired FBI Director James Comey in May, yet his advice on the Nunes memo is being disregarded and cast as part of the purported partisan leadership of the FBI, according to a senior law enforcement official.

Wray's stance is "raising hell," one source familiar with the matter said.

Wray has not directly threatened to resign after clashing with Trump over the possible release of the memo, the source added, because that is not his style of dealing with conflict.

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WNU Editor: Instead of being focused on the memo .... FBI Director Christopher Wray should be more focused on what did top FBI officials do in the past two years .... support the Justice Department's Inspector General in his investigation of the FBI ....  and then lay the groundwork for reforms and the changes that will be needed. And in the end .... explain all of this to the American people.


  1. Hmmm, I wonder what reforms WNU believes are needed at the FBI?

    Perhaps if the GOP/Pres. Dips#$t didn't blame every damn thing that was perceived as bad for them as some liberal plot they might have to take responsibility for their actions. They might have to govern. Heaven forfend.

    The R's control the executive, judicial branch and congress and still can't get jack done except barely pass a tax cut that benefits rich dips$%ts and the rubes lap it up.. Victimhood has been the main card played by conservatives for the last thirty years. Rich white dudes as oppressed victims. MAGA! Don't stop believin' rubes!

  2. The president does not automatically control the executive branch.

    That is no more true than a Chinese Emperor automatically controlled the Chinese bureaucracy. More than one historian has written how the bureaucracy just did their own thing or influenced a ruling dynasty that by the 2nd or 3 generation the dynasty was kaput.

    If a president or his appointed department head automatically controlled a department, its bureaucracy, then the idiom "The inmates are running the asylum" would make zero sense.

  3. A very large number of companies are giving out bonuses.

    They are giving out bonuses instead of pay raises, because the DNC might be back in control, so they do not want to be stuck with high taxes and high labor rates.

    Watch for more bonuses this coming September and October.

    Locally, a company gave bonuses for part time and temporary workers.

    If the DNC syndicate does not make any gains in 2018 watch for more bonuses in December. It will become a regular feature until business decides that the tax rates will not be jacked up again.

    Anyone who believes in high tax rates has not taken a calculus based economics course. They might claim to be a critical thinker,, but they are the opposite.

  4. Aizino,

    You pretty much nailed it. There's little I could add, however, where you have "DNC syndicate" the word "crime" needs to be inserted between the words "DNC" and "syndicate."

    As for the bonuses, a number of my clients and friends are already beginning to see the positive results of this. If the crime syndicate does not make gains and even loses seats, then raises and more bonuses can be expected.

    The crime syndicate can't have this. they need the rubes kept down and under their control. Prosperous rubes are a no/no.

    The crime syndicate is pathologically insane or has the minds of impudent children. While DJT has many flaws, at least he and his team have shown flashes of sanity. The rubes voted for him. As such, there may yet be hope for the country.
