Saturday, March 31, 2018

What Would Happen If A Sino-Russian War Broke Out Because Of North Korea?

John T. Kuehn, Task & Purpose: No One Saw It Coming: How Russia Went to War Against China in 2020

August 30, 2020

From: U.S. Ambassador, Tokyo

To: Secretary of State Pompeo

Mr. Secretary,

I am writing this to you, after the fact obviously, to review the last several months of operations in the war none of us foresaw just two years ago.

Background and Discussion: As you recall, we were in some disarray after the departure of your predecessor, Mr. Tillerson, and you asked all of us for our own take on the situation in Korea, especially with the appointment of Mr. Bolton coinciding as it did with your own appointment and the President’s initiation to meet with Mr. Kim.

As we all know, Kim met with President-Chairman Xi in March of that year and there was much speculation as to what passed between them. Reality only became clear, however after the President’s earth-shaking meeting with Kim and President Moon of S. Korea in Seoul. This was followed, not long after, by the Pyongyang Protocol in August, wherein all three leaders announced the demilitarization of the peninsula with the withdrawal of all US forces and the institution of a UN-led mission with a regime of inspections to ensure the dismantling of Kim’s nuclear weapons programs.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Talk about wild specualtion. Bottom line .... Russia will not engage in a massive war over North Korea.


  1. I will read the article, time permitting. My first thought is this is not only wild speculation but it is beyond ridiculous. Oh well these are the people who concluded that the Putin government was behind the poisonings without any kind of even a cursory investigation. While other countries in the "west" did take some actions, there actions were/are primarily token in nature. It kind of reminds me of the much touted "coalition" involved in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

    I don't see any real possibility of China and Russia going to war with each other pretty much anything in the foreseeable future. In contrast, there is a real possibility of both countries along with some combination of their allies launching a military attack on America. Instead of engaging wild and ridiculous speculation, policy makers and military planners need to work on strategies for how we defend against this scenario.

    One thing that would help is for the US government and its leaders to stop behaving like insane idiots. If this continues, the major world powers may decide they have enough and take decisive action. One thing is clear. "Stable and focused" people and nations don't behave in such reckless ways.

    There is a possibility that Russia and China may go to war over Siberia at some point. This would be a ways away and in all likelihood the parties would reach a settlement they could both live with well in advance.

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