Friday, May 11, 2018

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly: President Trump Is 'Embarrassed' by Mueller Probe

John Kelly listens to U.S. President Donald Trump. Kevin Lamarque, Reuters

Daily Mail: John Kelly claims Trump is 'embarrassed' by Mueller probe when world leaders visit him – and says most illegal immigrants are 'rural people' who 'don't speak English' and can't 'assimilate' into modern America

* Trump's chief of staff told NPR there is 'nothing there' regarding the probe
* He said Trump was 'embarrassed' when people like Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu come to town (Bibi is facing a corruption investigation)
* Says of illegal immigrants coming here: 'They're overwhelmingly rural people'
* Claims 'they don't integrate well'

Special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe is not only witch hunt, as President Trump calls it, but it's also downright awkward, White House chief of staff John Kelly says.

The probe which has already drawn guilty pleas from Trump associates and led to the indictment of his campaign chair and a raid on his personal lawyer also can lead to awkward small talk when Trump tries to sit down with a foreign leader.

Kelly told NPR it's a particular issue when someone like Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu comes to town. Netanyahu is facing his own corruption in investigation in Israel.

Read more ....

Update: Kelly says Trump is ‘somewhat embarrassed’ by Russia probe (AP)

WNU Editor: The Russian probe is definitely a distraction. And even though the Mueller Counsel has nothing on President Trump .... and after a year I can confidently say they will have nothing in the weeks/months/year ahead .... they will continue to probe and investigate, including doing things like this .... EXCLUSIVE: Special counsel probing donations with foreign connections to Trump inauguration (ABC News). And while I am sure that President Trump knows this ..... I am also sure that he knows that this probe is  being used to target those who supported him in his Presidential campaign, as well as on those who are working for him now. But that was probably the whole intention of this probe in the first place .... discredit President Trump, and attack those who support him.


kidd said...

A grate leader will have the heart to speak nothing and forget about it. Remember god loves us all life is about getting back to the holy lordship. The deli lama could help president trump with his wisdom

fred said...

This is easy! 1. Trump is innocent of any and all charges.
2. go to Mueller gang and testify under oath.
3. simply tell the truth and all will be well

Anonymous said...

He ought to be embarrassed. Embarrassed that the Democratic Party is still trying to steal a lawful and fair election. Embarrassed that Obama presided over the worst scandal in American history. Embarrassed that the FBI and CIA allowed themselves to be used to corrupt an election. Embarrassed that no senior Obama official objected to these spy operations nor did any blow the whistle, nor resign.

Very embarrassing and the only way to remove it is putting these senior officals on trial for the felonies they committed. I won't hold my breath.

RussInSoCal said...

The intent of this probe was and is to reduce/push Trump's popularity and job approval numbers down into the twenties or teens. Prompting establishment GOP urchins to abandon all support and force Trump's resignation.

Only there's a slight problem with this little scheme. Trump's numbers are right around 50% and creeping upward. And they're likely 3 or 4 points low given the anti-Trump bias and general inaccuracy of MSM polls.

None of Trump's political enemies could ever hope to play on his field and win. He's now playing on their field and cleaning their clock.

The leftwing seething is quite epic.

fred said...

The investigation is both legal and sanctioned. The reasons given above are merely attempts to blame the Democrats for what the president considers embarrasing...
The work will go on, with or without Mueller, and there have been a number of indictments thus far, with, I believe, more to follow. Whether Trump's numbers are up or down is besides the point of the article...

War News Updates Editor said...

The Mueller probe has gone beyond its original mandate and understanding that it was to focus on Russian collusion. We are now in uncharted territory. It is also true that this investigation coupled with an overwhelming hostile media has not put a dent in President Trump's polls numbers .... and if anything .... support for the Mueller investigation is now in the minority ....

Does Mueller care about this .... no. But the trend is clear. If he has nothing to show in the months to come public support for this probe will not be there, and the losers will be the Democrats. Mr. Fred may believe that these poll numbers are beside the point, but I am willing to wager that the politicians who have given the political cover for this probe are getting nervous, and they should be. And if the current situation does not change, the push to wrap up this investigation is going to intensify .... and it will not be coming from the White House.

fred said...

Trump has Never been Embarrassed about anything he has ever done.Never.

Chase jones said...

just name one of the many things muller or your chicken head democract buddys have said trump did that was gonna bring him down that turned out to be true? cuz to any sane person it looks like every week its somthing new and like the rest they turn out to be bs lol. no wait he did this or not oh wait he did that, wait wait he is racist, uh uh no he is russian, uh uh uh please someone please believe us please pretty please mr Trump is a bad man and all these jobs and all that money u are making is bad for real u really need to belive us u do lolol "cnn msm cbs npr" pethetic in every way American cancer

Unknown said...

The God damned investigation has found no Russian collusion.

There is the Manafort Indictment. Wingnut Rosenstein investigated Manafort for several years and found nothing. Then Wingnut turns around hires Mueller and Mueller supposedly finds something from 10 years ago concerning taxes, but no collusion. I have heard that Mueller didn;t have a 'writ' to look at that, but he can go back to Wingnut and get his writ amended.

If you say that a special counsel has the ability to look at anything going back 10 years 20 years, 50 years, then the law will die. Congress will get rid of it.

Many Republicans are fed up with the special counsel and they are starting to fight back. Remember you brought this on your own damn selves.

Jay complained about Nuland ad naseum. He talked about Nuland so much, he got sick himself and threw up. Nuland supported the anti-Russian Ulkrainian PM. Dear Jay, may he take an antacid pill, was all for the Pro-Russian PM. Manafort worked for that guy. But Jay hates Manafort. A good Leftist will go in whatever direction the battle standard points.

To Recap Manafort was a good guy frustrating the evil Nuland until he joined the Trump campaign and now everything he did is evil. The is very Soviet Union-ish.

Then there is Manafort, Podesta's group and another group. They all worked in Ukraine. they all amended their filing. the Republican is being investigated, but the Democrat Podesta is not. That is very partisan. The favor will be returned.

I hope the Leftist wingnuts and arch-liberals keep pushing the investigation. The Dimocrats had a 16 point lead in the polls December 2017. Now it is a dead heat. They keep pushing it and they will be down another 6 points.

Unknown said...


Trump wants this to drag out a little longer.

There was a spy in the Trump campaign. A reporter has said she will print this but she needs verification. Trump knows who it is and the name will come out in the next month. Sooner or later the name will be leaked or something and then the reported will be able to run her story as the name is out.

Hillary or Obama will be implicated.


Trump’s Strategic Brilliance: He’s David, the Swamp Is Goliath

Unknown said...

"So why doesn’t Trump just declassify this and tell everybody? Just end this suspense and end all this and let it be known. That’s where my theory comes into play. I believe that the president wants to expose — I believe Trump wants to expose all of these people and their techniques — that they don’t have any evidence, and yet they continue to try to destroy him and his presidency and anybody he had anything to do with."

Unknown said...

"So the latest is from Kimberley Strassel: There’s a spy, the FBI hired a spy. There’s an informant that was working in the Trump campaign. She thinks that she knows the identity of the spy but she doesn’t want to publish it because she can’t get any independent confirmation.

If everybody gets caught up in who is this spy, who did the FBI hire, and who did they plant — who is the informant in the Trump campaign and when were they put there — Donald Trump can force that to be released."




Trump is stringing the Dims along.

fred said...

Rave on
The noose tightens
Trump knows it though seem not to
Night dear heart

Chase jones said...

keep dreamin cupcake lol

B.Poster said...

While I do not know what will or will not happen, at this point, I must agree with Aizino on this. Trump wants this to drag on for awhile. He is getting great mileage from this.

"Trump's strategic brilliance: He's David, the swamp is Goliath." I couldn't have put this one any better myself.

Perhaps they will find something to take him down with. If things continue on their current trends, peace between South Korea and North Korea will be achieved with in a few months, Putin and Russia are suffering setbacks in Syria to the level they have chosen not to sell the S-300 missile system to Syria at this time in what seems an obvious attempt to get on friendlier terms with POTUS, the economy is booming in ways it has not for many years, and I could go on. I could be giving Trump to much credit for these turns of events but he is the only new variable to any of these things. As such, I hypothesize that the credit for all of these developments primarily should be credited to him and his leadership. Furthermore his popularity is trending to around 50%. If the trends continue, it his popularity is going to grow. In such an environment it is going to be problematic to impeach POTUS or go after his supporters.

It would appear the best they can do is try and undermine these achievements which essentially would mean working against the American people. I have trouble envisioning how this is going to work out well for them. Then again, these people did manage to sell the crap sandwich of the JCPOA to the American even to the point of convincing many of them that this was not, in fact, a crap sandwich and has many of them so hoodwinked that they would sacrifice their first born to save the crap sandwich that Iran never even signed in the first place. I think the Iranians in their extreme hubris thought they would get the benefits of the crap sandwich and by not signing it get something even better later. The Iranians didn't even sign so I am not even sure what DJT withdrew from, a non existant agreement perhaps.

Unknown said...

Rave on?

That is just an ad hominem attack Fred.

War News Updates and others have posted news articles on the spy.

So is WNU raving when he posts articles about the spy?

Are people not to be upset when a campaign is wiretapped and spied on?

You won't refute or acknowledge the spy story, because you are a coward.

fred said...

lordy lord but our Constant Commenter is on a tear this evening. The theory proposed is even sillier than the ususal stuff

It might rain tomorrow. Blame that on Obama, the Dems, and the liberals

Manafort is a pretty big fish, but not a complete surprise as the first indictment: he had been under investigation even before he went to work for Trump, due to ties with Russian-backed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and numerous offshore bank accounts. His home was also the subject of a dawn raid by FBI agents back in July.

Unknown said...


Get a hold of yourself. I have had offshore accounts. It is not that uncommon.

If you relatives in Latvia or wherever had not been massacred because Neville Chamberlain was a spineless twit, you might have had an offshore account in Latvia.

Unknown said...


"The Podesta Group had worked with Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, on lobbying the US government to legitimize former Russian-backed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych"

So Podesta and Manfort work together, but only Manafort gets tagged. That looks like partisan Demonrat bullshit.

I have a suggestion for you Fred, Quit lying. You cannot keep your lies straight.

Unknown said...

"The lobbying money was split between Podesta and the Republican-linked Mercury lobbying firm, with the Podesta Group accruing the lion’s share of the money."

No prosecution of Podesta ...cuz he is a Democrat.

So Tony took the lion's share of the $$$, but he knows nothing!

Fred, just go back to your free off the internet nude picture collection and quit embarrassing yourself.